Originally posted by Nick Micale
You bring up a couple good points I would like to address.
An announcer would be great - the job is open if you would like it!
If you know someone that would like to do it, please let us know. Like most of the event jobs done by members, it is a "volunteer" position.
On that same note, it would be impossible to announce drivers in their cars as most do not fill out their tech form with all the info, like class they run, so it does not get entered into the computer.
Also, if you received a packet, the program has the 5 day event program on page 3. Yes, due to weather it can and does change and this is announced over the PA system. Actually, the entire race program was run including a few extras, and finished about 6:30 Saturday. Nothing was "shortened" or omitted in the race program this year.
at what point did the GSCA announce to me or anyone else that they were looking for a volunteer announcer and/or how to sign up to become one?
I never said I needed to know who was driving what car, I would just like to have the announcements repeated a little more often when they are calling such and such a class to line up in such and such lane to race. I am sure some repeats would help when you are standing in one of those "dead noise" zones and can't hear a damn thing that comes across the speakers.
again, I got the packet and looked at the schedule. but how does this address the issue of having a GSCA rep present at the gate to answer questions on a rainy day before we pay our $$$ to beech bend employees who don't know what is going on and don't want to refund money. Is it too much to ask to have someone man the GSCA tent on saturday? no one was there this year in the drizzling rain.
I don't want to get off on a rant here but here is the situation for most of us:
Most of us have a full time job and can only attend the nats a few days out of the week, not the whole week. Furthermore, most of us are not loaded down with the cash to just pay for a bunch of tickets before hand just to show up the day of the event to discover that it is rained out. we all know how concrete the GSCA policy is when it comes to rain checks...at least I have heard of more than a few bad stories.
Don't get on my back about what you would call "complaining." The nats are not free, especially when one has to travel some distance to get there, pay for room and board, plus pay for all kinds of entrance fees and such. All I have ever offered was some suggestions on what I think could be better in the hopes that someone would hear them. I am sick and tired of people getting on here complaining about the complainers.
I understand that running an event like this is not easy nor cheap by any measure. I have a measure of respect for those who work hard every year in order for us to have some fun with our buick power. With that being said, the people who ultimately collect the money from the event and GSCA members do owe the status of the GSCA club to those same members who help pay for it; so I suggest those who are quick to bash the "complainers" had better check their negative attitudes toward the constuctive criticisms before we (and our money) go somewhere else.