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SignUp Now!Ravelco is I what you I think you are hinting at. I had one installed on my old T-type. You keep the cap for it on your key chain and it has to be plugged in for the car to start.
Ravelco Anti Theft Device
I want to make a poor man's theft setup, where the cigarette lighter is modified to become a fusible link of sorts. Like the lighter has to be plugged into the socket for it to start. Then just take the lighter with you when you leave. They'll never think that the missing lighter is the reason it wont start. Maybe link it up to the fuel pump relay and the starter solenoid.
Sorry to hear about what happened. I keep my car in the garage every night. If I hadnt, theres no doubt it would have been stolen like 20 times already. I live in a ghettoburbia type neighborhood and my car is the talk of the area. All the gang bangers and wannabe gang bangers and pretty much every guy driving down my street eyes my car like a hawk. Several times Ive had guys pull right up to my driveway, look at my car and then when I say something they take off....its happened SEVERAL times. My 99 cobra was stolen when it was 6 months old. They couldnt get it started so they pushed it with another car down the street, smashing up the rear bumper cover and scratching the paint all over. Couldnt find my car for a week and it turned out it was on MY street, like 3 miles down...which I dont get cause I drove down that street looking for it.
to answer the above question..... T Type:biggrin:
When I was at a Goodguys show bs'ing with the Nor Cal GN guys I realized despite this I really wanted another.
Hey everyone please keep an eye out for my Cutlass it is painted like a 442 and is GN powered. It is Burgundy and Silver. plates are CA Ocean plates with the whale tail # "TRBO442". Has Americam Racing Salt Flat wheels.
It was stolen from the Target parking lot in Vacaville this morning between 7am and 10:30am.
Vacaville is between Sacramento and San Francisco so it could be almost anywhere now.
Call me on my cell if you see or hear anything.