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Junior Samples

Walk Away
Aug 3, 2007
I first met my friend Lance when I was in 8th grade, he was new in sixth. I was turning the corner in the halls at school when I notice he was being picked on by an 8th grade jock so I stepped in.

Through the early years we hung out, partied went to alot of concerts and helped him with his cars when I could. Once he got married and had 2 kids I would always sell him our used cars at next to nothing, my wife didnt like it too much cause i always sold them to him at less then trade in but he was struggling as a new dad, I was doing good and we were friends.
Our kids would hang out, we would BB-Q, Sometimes go fishing, although I had no booze rule in my boat, he would put up with it but he couldnt wait to get on land no matter how great the bite was.

Lance always fought his demons and while I got past the high school party all the time mentallity and settled down, Lance couldnt seem to shake his love for booze, his wife would always call me and ask me to talk to him, she would always say..he will listen to you Mike, but I knew you cant talk an alcoholic out of drinking.

A few months ago Lance told me he went to the doctor and was told last Jan they he had to stop the booze because his liver was shot.
When he told me that, I kind of just took it with a grain of salt and was happy he had a wake up call and he had been sober for 9 months and feeling good about his plans and health.

A few days ago I got word that Lance had liver failure and had passed away, I spent a couple days in semi shock and last night finally broke down. Lance was a good friend and as much as he fought them demons, he tried to be a good father as best as he could.

Alcohol addiction is a strange and baffling desease and as much as one would want to take a friend or a family member and smack some sence into them, your hands are always tied it seems,

It effects everyone, even your friends.

Lance was 41 yrs old, he leaves behind his 12 yr old son and 9yr old daughter
VERY VERY sorry to hear this Mike, God Be with his family.

very sorry to hear this. life is way to short. my prayers are with his family and friends
Wow, this really hit home with me.

I am an alcoholic, and have really been struggling lately ... this may help me a little bit. I am VERY sorry to hear about this. I lost my gpa to alcoholism ---
Very sorry to hear. It hits close to home with me too. My biological dad was an alcoholic and my step dad just recently went on a self induced rehab. Being a new dad with a daughter nearing 3 and a son at 10 months it really put alot of things i do in perspective and changed my mindset. Even though a was determinied not to change i realized the need, and want, to be around as long as humanly possible. Im sorry to hear about your friend, and my families prayers go out to his family and friends.

Very sorry to hear of your friend, clearly you are suffering also. A dear friend of mine passed away about 6 months from alcohol - just ate away her insides and she died horribly. Let this be a warning to those of us who would indulge - everything in moderation.

Best wishes,

Sorry to hear Mike. Some people at least do try to turn their lives around and he was trying. I am dealing with a sister in law who is beyond hope. :frown:
Sorry to hear! May he RIP! God Bless him and the family!
Mike, sorry for your loss and I feel your frustration. I have a very close family member who is also an alcoholic and rec drug user. It is sad to see the self destructive behavior and as hard and often as you try nothing you do will seperate them from their demons. It has to come from within them and often it doesn't happen soon enough.

Sorry to hear this news and it also hits home with me too. I had several members of my family pass away to alcoholism and grew up with both my parents alcoholics until I was 25 years old when they both quit cold turkey. Just 2 years ago he lost my wifes brother by suicide from alcoholism and depression.

Hang in there and his family will be in our prayers.

Scot W.
I guess we didnt realize how many of us are affected by this disease,

I wish everyone the best in overcoming this!
Sorry to hear about your friend. My girlfriends brother is going through a tough time right now with pancreatitus from drinking.I feel your pain.RIP Lance