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Need Help! Missing Spring


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Aug 18, 2007
So I just installed my newly rebuilt trans and dropped the pan to get any of the fluid out the shop used(it was dyno'ed) because I'm using B&M Trick shift and noticed that the spring for the kick down cable wasn't there.Sorry I don't know the correct name for it but I do have a picture of the spring before I had it rebuilt. tta trans.jpg
Its the white spring and the T shaped pin. Its circled in red. I tried to call the shop and of course its Saturday evening so no one is there. I would think it needs to be there,right? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ready to finish the car up but now I'm at a stand still.
If the trans shop removed the check ball then you don't need it. That's a safety system in case the T.V. cable breaks or becomes disconnected. The pin will drop seating a check ball and set the pump pressure to about 90psi to prevent burning the clutches. A lot of trans rebuilders remove the check ball to allow a looser adjustment of the cable.