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Need help with scanmaster reading


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New Member
Aug 10, 2016
I've been having trouble with my 87 T and turned out to be the maf. Just put in an lt1 maf and translator and while it runs much better it still isn't great. Car has turbo tweak alky chip with razors kit, new fuel pump with hot wire, 60lb injectors, Bosch 237 regulator, cr43 plugs, new Iac valve and tps sensor, and new denso o2. The idle is high and I can't get the iac number to go lower than 69 no matter how much I adjust the screw. While cruising the o2 numbers don't fluctuate much and stay in the 800's. The cross counts barely move either even though it's a new sensor. The car smells rich there are no vacuum leaks but possibly the headers are leaking I'm going to remove them to check for cracks.
Scanmaster numbers at idle:
02- 871-875
Af- 06
L8- 42-43
Bat- 13.9
Int- 128
Bl- 118
Clt- 162
Ats- 103
R- 850-875
Tps- .34
IAC- 69
Cc- 189
Mal- 00

When cruising:
Int- 112
Bl- 118
Cc- frozen at 211
Did you set the Translator settings for that MAF and chip?

On the IAC, turn the throttle stop in (clockwise) until the TPS volts come up to about .44. Then turn the key off for 5 seconds, restart and drive around until warm. The IAC should come down. You might need to adjust again.
Just as Eric said , Get the tps to read .44 key on , engine off and around 4.6 key on , engine off at WOT then you should be able to set your iac
Yes I set the translator settings. I adjusted the tps to .44 and was able to get the iac down to 16. It's running much better, do the rest of my numbers look ok?
That needs to be set to 3 for your LT1 MAF.
Did you receive instructions with your Translator?