Put the DeatschWerks pump in the blue Regal with upgrade to 120 lb injectors. The pressure settled in about 43 psi. Had to jack up the regulator pressure higher than that then back off to keep the pressure from going down when the engine load went high enough to use fuel and reduce the back pressure on the return line.
I would like to reduce the pressure further, so will be replacing most of the 1/4 inch return line this coming week. My goal is to provide enough fuel for about 515 flywheel HP, with less than 60% duty cycle on the injectors.
I have been doing all my comparisons at 70 psi, as 45 psi rail pressure is a common setting (on the high side) and 25 psi is where most of the hot street cars are running (especially on e85)
So, to feed 80's the pump needs to produce ~80 Gal/Hr. (assuming I'm running the injectors close to static)
(check my math please)