New forum idea, RIP


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2001
You know with all the elders and all else who have enjoyed our cars that have past. Wht don't we have a section just for them. Not a RIP forum, but a story telling forum in remembrance of those individuals.
You know telling story's about there contributions to our sport, silly or stupid thing they have done. Stuff they have done for fun or made you laugh. Things that they have done to help others and so on.

I think it would be a good history session and could help the family's and friends greave and remember all the contributions some of these guys have made.

EX. TurboCliff
No RIP, bless his family, and so on. Leave those on the General forum. But something like. I was having problems with something and he spent hours on the phone helping me. But more detailed. Story's we all can enjoy and learn about the person.

Just a thought.
I agree totally. I will say this though, Google TURBOCLIFF and holy cow does it ring out. He must have been a really awesome man and contributor. At 36, it's hard not to keep saying RIP and wishing his family well. This is truely very very terrible. I feel cheated I never got to meet him in person.
Same here. I thought this forum idea would be a way to get to know and learn about them. And the family and friends could always look back and read good positive thing and maybe see PICS of them doing what they loved.