New GN

you'll be safe until they tell you to "shut up stupid"

only believe 1/2 what you hear here, you need to figure out which half! :biggrin:

Hey Cruise...I'm only 1/2 stupid.
Papa Lou promoted me a long time ago.

Now let's see how you're doing.
Put on your thinking cap.

Is the alky in the blue bottle or the white bottle.:biggrin:

...and you can't phone a friend, buddy!!!

I see you need to Quick, Not just your car...!

All in fun tho'
ahhhhhhhhhh- right thru the heart!!!!!!!

but you were supposed to be helping me!

Donnie has forgiven me, he even let me fuel the car at pinks in PHX a couple months ago!
we missed your help there, ;)

so... we have fresh meat for the mean chicken?
I know I already have the bug, it started with me saying I want it a little better than stock to saying I want low 11's its only a matter of time till ill be begging for more.

Did Lou say...."You can't Handle the 11's get out of my shop!!!" like he did to me in 2000 LOL!! and this is the Lou motor now :tongue:

hey welcome you have a nice GN...

its on motor treand classics,,,,,,in every month of moter treand only 1 picture thou,,,,,and in look for it.....
but you were supposed to be helping me!

Donnie has forgiven me, he even let me fuel the car at pinks in PHX a couple months ago!
we missed your help there, ;)

so... we have fresh meat for the mean chicken?

;) Donnie told me not to tell you...but....he filled all the bottles with Alky this time....

Did Lou say...."You can't Handle the 11's get out of my shop!!!" like he did to me in 2000 LOL!! and this is the Lou motor now :tongue:


Brent I think what I meant at the time is that you couldn't get into the 11's with 12 second money. In the end it was your stubborn determination that won out & I cherish those good times. P.S. is that a picture of your new girl friend.
I think I'm going 11's on 13 second money:D....thanks to all the good used parts I picked up for free....or almost free...