Wow thanks for all the replies! Ty, yes I would love to have you help again! Dave, YES sir! I think you have been around long enough you have earned your it! I will look over the posts this week and do some more research!
You guys can tell me better than I would know what sections needed more help in.
Charlie was such a help to me. Some thought he was a little over the top but he did a great job and I will never forget him for it!
I need someone that is kinda like a head mod to stop all the BS and drama before it gets bad enough to I get phone calls lol! For example, Racetronix I am sick of his company getting bashed because of his business model. If you don't like the way he runs his business fine, don't buy from him. Make your post about it and move on. The days of popping in on every thread that is posted about Racetronix being turned into a redirect to another vendor thread is over. Gbody would be another example. I am not defending, helping, or excusing anyone's business practices. If someone has a problem post it, stop trolling other threads with your beef...
Trolling on all fronts has to end...
I love this community and this site. My attention has been on my sons racing the last few years but I still walk around everyday with the Turbo 6 emblem hanging around my neck. I still have over a dozen TR's, from stock to the baddest MF on the planet!
Time to get back to going fast with class!