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New wheels paintjob


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SignUp Now! there supposed to b a color scheme or did u not want it to match on least paint the pipes red too ... its ur hard earned money do what u please ... I jus don't see why u would want to take something classy and turn it tacky
DO you believe in Magic, sorry I couldnt help myself
Ummmm hmmmmmm idk....i think with the right black accents it could look cool..I love red and black together but i think its too much red its overpowering the wheel...
Watch out the local dogs don't mistake it for a fire hydrant and pee all over it! I saw this car in person going through jersey city the other day, when you get some money for some real wheels give me a call cause I have a few sets and my worst ones look better than those
Matt ,He have a brand new set of 18 coming in a few weeks, he also have a set of tell star too, so I dont he need any new wheels.
I'd be ashamed to have a set of wheels like that on anything I own, I guess it's a antitheft deterant .

i guess they okay something different...wait till my gn comes out the paint shop ...some of you guys jaws going to drop like wtf.....
He went to Whiskey Cafe last Sat. and got alot of peoples taking pics of his car , maybe they like it or maybe they think it different. Matt I show him your wheels and he doesnt like them so everyone is different.
Its like a woman wit a nice a$$ but with a butt ugly face.....lots of people would still hit it...