Your picture above that shows the little bent hose going nowhere, is supposed to be hooked into a "tee" that just happens to sit under the EGR valve. On mine the "tee" is located about 2" downstream of that little check valve. The other leg of the "tee" is probably supposed to have the hose you show as heading off behind the motor somewhere (cant look back there now, cuz I'm still at work), but there should also be another larger check valve/tee a foot or so down stream. That latter check/tee is the one on dabigguy's drawing labled CK VLV, HVAC, CRUISE.
So all you should have to do is insert a "tee" right there where that small hose is. The small hose on one leg, the checkvalve feeding it, and the other hose (after you cut it) plugged into the remaining leg.