no reverse


New Member
Jul 10, 2004
OK, no more smug look on this face, this is my first build, I used the CKs
Have not driven this so can`t vouch for any of the other gears but it feels like they are fine. Just no reverse it feels like it just bearly trys to go.
here are the pressure readings.
--------------1000rpms---------full tv
neutral------------80------------ 225

thanks for any tips you might have.
forgot the lo reverse cup plug in the case,the low reverse piston spacer,etc?if pressure is ok suspect a misbuild.engine braking in manual lo?
Thanks for your heads up, reverse cup plug is in,I did take my time with this
not saying I did`nt miss something, but took the best part of week to build
trying to build by the book and all pressure cks were done, checked fine.
have`nt driven truck yet but will ck for manual lo engine brake.
Chris mentioned ( if pressure is ok suspect misbuild) max pressure in D1& D2 is same as min. which was 150.
will drive to ck for manual lo engine brake. thanks again Jonas
okay than that verifies your low reverse clutch is in operative.drop the valve body and air check it,post results.
Well I dropped pan this moring and found much to my dismay some shavings in the pan, So this trans is coming out and my spare is going in. :(
Looks like I`ll be getting some more trans building experince, will keep you posted on what I find.
Unless someone from this board would like to trade some labor with a semi retired General Contractor within cople hours driving time from central Ohio,
otherwise I will be starting this project next week. any takers can email me @
I got my backup trans in and my problem trans on the stand, I did the pressure test per page 138 of your manual Chris, diagram 8-51 and am getting
air coming out of the hole right next to test hold, and no action at lo reverse clutch.
again due to shavings I had in pan am disassembling all the way to look for cause.
I had a problem with the converter I was going to use on my backup trans, I did`nt have any clearance between converter and flywheel, maybe .020, this the converter I had on my trans before my new build and also had a thrust bearing problem
on my engine, had been thinking it was caused by drive shaft bottoming out
on trans due to 4link bushings collapsing, now I`m thinking converter was also at fault.
Just wondering how much clearance is needed ? thanks again
Well I just found my problem w/no reverse, it appears I either cut when installing or blew out my lg lo-reverse seal.
Also wondering about blow back next to test hole when air testing.
Also explains lo test pressure readings in D1 but not in D2, unless I missed somthing else?
It also apears that I found my source of shavings, looks like lo reverse spring retainer was spining against piston assembly and snap ring, I can`t quite figure that one out, unless inability of clutch function caused this, any coments on this?
Had no luck attaching pics.
Thanks again
Next question for Chris, lo reverse piston spacer, were can I find it in your manual?

yes it was missing :confused:
OK I found it, everything is starting to make sense, guess I should read the manual a few more times.
Only thing I hav`ent figured out is low max D2 pressure, any thoughts on this?
Thanks again :D
Well looks like I`m still going to school on this transmission, I now have reverse but as I was doing pressure checks I noticed that pressure in lo range was 150 at approx 1000 rpm, in about 10 seconds running it started dropping to 50, I now have 50 in manual 1 & 2. Every thing else is up to spec and drives just fine in dr or od. I havent got on it, just driving easy.
Could this be a valve body issue? any ideas on where to start? Thanks again