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Not a race but funny anyway


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Jan 26, 2008
I was taking advantage of the unusually nice weather over the last two days and was doing some work out in the garage with the door open. Had the cover off the T-type because I started it up for its monthly routine. I live on a deadend street kind of off the beaten path, anyway this guy in a vette drove by like 6 times then finally stopped out in front of my house and just stared. He pulls up the drive with his like 13-14 year old son introduces himself and tells me he had a GN back in the day and misses it everyday. The boy says yeah but the vette is way faster, dad about smacks him and tell him "Son dont ever,ever,ever mess with one of these it will whip ya everytime" SO I guess I won that race and didn't even have to start it up;)

I've seen races won by cutting good lights, traction, and horse power. I'd say that this one was won by "RESPECT":cool: .

Good Kill...

Mike B.
ive actually done that with other models,if i see them and the owner is near or around i would show interest and respect and talk for awhile with em.i did that once to a gn owner and he asked if i had one because of the knowledge i guess i have of these cars,and i said no not