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Not really a huge Glock fan, but this video is pretty cool.


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That is funny as all hell! Being a Ranger instructor when I got back ! I would smoke the dog piss out of these new recruits for that bad habbit. Pet peave! I will say this thou Kentucky windage from way back in boot camp when my grandfather served, he said certain men could not properly adjust sights due to poor skills. So they adjusted from the wind. I as well read stories from archives some these types of humans, had become the best sharp shooters in the world. I don't care what your skill is, but if you can knock off a round and a kill. I really don't care . Never leave a man behind!

I know one thing being as a 101st Airbourne Ranger. .223 Round basic's once again apply, but I have seen this round decapatate heads, cause of the velocity. Now I am not to say on here I hate huge caliber ammunition what kind of soldier would I have been . Lets just say I am a proud Barret fan, but this is a Glock thread, and I think we all have the company in our blood, and people deny the fact they love them. Chance that is one hell of set-up brother. I just had a standard 17. Then went Sig, and last Hk, but upgraded .45 round. Sgrim glad to see your a fan of Glock. I tell you this company is what all companies should show . Pretty soon I might leave to go to Switzerland, and this company Felsomat shows the same integrity. German, Austrians, and Swiss have awesome quality control for fire arms.

I need to talk to you lol! So you are a Barret fan? Being a Ranger instructor I know you will know what I am looking to hear. I have a friend that is something something in the Navy, he deals with the weapons... He said it is kept quiet but they have had lots of problems with the M107, said they have came apart and hurt soilders.... I have googled the subject to death and can't find one incident of it... I have a Bushmaster BA50 now and want to sale it to upgrade to a M82a1 or m107 if lucky enough to find one but he thinks I am crazy... I know the bolt gun will be much more accurate but I have wanted the Barret since the first time I laid eyes on it! What is your opinion on the big bad Barret?
I need to talk to you lol! So you are a Barret fan? Being a Ranger instructor I know you will know what I am looking to hear. I have a friend that is something something in the Navy, he deals with the weapons... He said it is kept quiet but they have had lots of problems with the M107, said they have came apart and hurt soilders.... I have googled the subject to death and can't find one incident of it... I have a Bushmaster BA50 now and want to sale it to upgrade to a M82a1 or m107 if lucky enough to find one but he thinks I am crazy... I know the bolt gun will be much more accurate but I have wanted the Barret since the first time I laid eyes on it! What is your opinion on the big bad Barret?

i am not going to say much on here for security purpose, but youcan call 630-825-8502. my line is always open to you ! Barnone as far as the barret, best dam thing in the world! it's like shooting the hand of God! and it's very reliable. will talk!
Gotta ask... Just where did you carry a Glock into combat at? And since when was Airborne spelled Airbourne? Are you in 1, 2, 3, or 4 Para? And the 101st doesn't have any Rangers in it, since the deactivation of their LRRP detachment...
Back when me and my buddies were trying for the Schützenschnur we were practicing with his Glock (can't recall if it was an 18 or 19 or whatever) and I couldn't hit spit with it. Nothing against Glocks I just suck with sidearms. Well when the Germans came out they brought an H&K boy I fell in love with it! So much easier for me to hit the target. Of course there is a little price difference... ;)
Gotta ask... Just where did you carry a Glock into combat at? And since when was Airborne spelled Airbourne? Are you in 1, 2, 3, or 4 Para? And the 101st doesn't have any Rangers in it, since the deactivation of their LRRP detachment...

Sorry! I am only human,and make mistakes (Airborne). You are right! But, let me help you . Did you think for once I was a 13delta, and converse to Airborne unit to be ,63 yankee???? Think about it ,and still I have had my tabs in , OR as a Ranger? Your Glock question, None of your buisness. Lol . Don't think so hard bro! some of us were there. Cheers!
Back when me and my buddies were trying for the Schützenschnur we were practicing with his Glock (can't recall if it was an 18 or 19 or whatever) and I couldn't hit spit with it. Nothing against Glocks I just suck with sidearms. Well when the Germans came out they brought an H&K boy I fell in love with it! So much easier for me to hit the target. Of course there is a little price difference... ;)

Now that's a funny statement, cause I like both. Glad you like HK. Some guys have an issue with synthetic, Hope I spelled it right for the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (My old call out man) ! lol . It's all good. Opinons are important, cause you need to like and feel ok with what you shoot... Am I not right ? I said I like the Ak-47 as one of my fav weapons, but they felt awkward as hell to shoot at times. Then again Hk is twice as much or 2 , and 3/4 of an amount as a Glock! Being a weapons guy has it's perks, 13 Delta ....
Now that's a funny statement, cause I like both. Glad you like HK. Some guys have an issue with synthetic, Hope I spelled it right for the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (My old call out man) ! lol . It's all good. Opinons are important, cause you need to like and feel ok with what you shoot... Am I not right ? I said I like the Ak-47 as one of my fav weapons, but they felt awkward as hell to shoot at times. Then again Hk is twice as much or 2 , and 3/4 of an amount as a Glock! Being a weapons guy has it's perks, 13 Delta ....

I always enjoy conversing with the real Army as I'm just a lab tech. :) When I was in Germany we were pretty tight with 10th group and I got to attend one of their ranges. Qual'ed with M4s with ACOGs (no zeroing but it was mostly for shits and giggles anyway), then played around with AKs and MP5s.

The AK47 is such an enjoyable weapon to fire everyone should have the opportunity! The recoil when you hold the trigger down was very interesting (which everyone did lol) but accuracy of course severely underrated (of course the sources...). A lot more fun than when I realized that in AIT after an STX that we had M16A1s (blanks) and I switched to auto and cleared my extra mags before everyone else figured it out lol. Yeah pretty lame I know. :p

The MP5 was really enjoyable as well (I think it was the 5...), only 9 mm but no recoil at all. Amazing weapon and I've always wanted to fire one when I started playing Counterstrike 12 years ago...

I also had the opportunity to play with a G36 while at WLC (PLDC) at Graf, a little jealous we don't have that one.

Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to go to a heavy weapons range yet. :eek:
Sorry! I am only human,and make mistakes (Airborne). You are right! But, let me help you . Did you think for once I was a 13delta, and converse to Airborne unit to be ,63 yankee???? Think about it ,and still I have had my tabs in , OR as a Ranger? Your Glock question, None of your buisness. Lol . Don't think so hard bro! some of us were there. Cheers!

NO Airborne Ranger would EVER, EVER misspell AIRBORNE... Sorry man. And "and still I have had my tabs in, OR as a Ranger?" HUH?? What in the bloody hell are you talking about man??? "Some of us were there." Where...

Now that's a funny statement, cause I like both. Glad you like HK. Some guys have an issue with synthetic, Hope I spelled it right for the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (My old call out man) ! lol . It's all good. Opinons are important, cause you need to like and feel ok with what you shoot... Am I not right ? I said I like the Ak-47 as one of my fav weapons, but they felt awkward as hell to shoot at times. Then again Hk is twice as much or 2 , and 3/4 of an amount as a Glock! Being a weapons guy has it's perks, 13 Delta ....

13D, weapons expert? Bro, 13D is artillery automated tactical data systems... Nothing to do with small arms... What Ranger class were you in? Ranger qualified soldiers are EXTREMELY proud to tell what class they were...
I always enjoy conversing with the real Army as I'm just a lab tech. :) When I was in Germany we were pretty tight with 10th group and I got to attend one of their ranges. Qual'ed with M4s with ACOGs (no zeroing but it was mostly for shits and giggles anyway), then played around with AKs and MP5s.

The AK47 is such an enjoyable weapon to fire everyone should have the opportunity! The recoil when you hold the trigger down was very interesting (which everyone did lol) but accuracy of course severely underrated (of course the sources...). A lot more fun than when I realized that in AIT after an STX that we had M16A1s (blanks) and I switched to auto and cleared my extra mags before everyone else figured it out lol. Yeah pretty lame I know. :p

The MP5 was really enjoyable as well (I think it was the 5...), only 9 mm but no recoil at all. Amazing weapon and I've always wanted to fire one when I started playing Counterstrike 12 years ago...

I also had the opportunity to play with a G36 while at WLC (PLDC) at Graf, a little jealous we don't have that one.

Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to go to a heavy weapons range yet. :eek:
Calling you out here dude. 95Bravo and was a gunsmith as well. Is this Paul by any chance?
I think that dude is legit. He uses phrases only a joe would know, like graf, stx wlc and pldc. Tell ya what, graf was fun indeed. :) But our rotations were 30 days. Now I hear they only hang out for like 2 weeks. Must be nice...
I think that dude is legit. He uses phrases only a joe would know, like graf, stx wlc and pldc. Tell ya what, graf was fun indeed. :) But our rotations were 30 days. Now I hear they only hang out for like 2 weeks. Must be nice...

Yeah I went in like the last cycle before it changed from 30 days (Jan 2010). January sucks there but it was alright until the first night in the field. 8 degrees fahrenheit and the heat wasn't working. It was a lot of fun though. My class had the coolest SGLs so it was really laid back. They said it was too effing cold to do PT in the morning so we didn't have to get up till 0800... lol Also we could smoke in the field whenever we wanted. Played a lot of spades. :)
I don't know what an SGL is, but that's about right. The heat didn't work (on what vehicle were you?) and lots of spades lol. Though, what in the hell were you doing PT in Graf for? Graf's for gunnery. What unit does pt in the field? In fact, what were you even doing with pt's in your duffle bag? lol.

I used to go to Graf when I was mechanized, and the heaters in the Bradleys NEVER, EVER worked. It was soo cold in those things we had to go outside to warm up. The only time we were thankful the tankers were around, is when we would do a combined alpha alpha with them, and we'd keep our ramps down while they were idling, and their exhaust would heat up the insides of our Bradleys lol. LOVED it.

Do they still serve the flippys (grolsch) in the cantinas there? Still a 2 beer limit? Is it beer only when you don't have a range the next morning?
I don't know what an SGL is, but that's about right. The heat didn't work (on what vehicle were you?) and lots of spades lol. Though, what in the hell were you doing PT in Graf for? Graf's for gunnery. What unit does pt in the field? In fact, what were you even doing with pt's in your duffle bag? lol.

I used to go to Graf when I was mechanized, and the heaters in the Bradleys NEVER, EVER worked. It was soo cold in those things we had to go outside to warm up. The only time we were thankful the tankers were around, is when we would do a combined alpha alpha with them, and we'd keep our ramps down while they were idling, and their exhaust would heat up the insides of our Bradleys lol. LOVED it.

Do they still serve the flippys (grolsch) in the cantinas there? Still a 2 beer limit? Is it beer only when you don't have a range the next morning?

Sorry, I went to Graf for WLC (7th Army the first PLDC NCOA). SGLs are the instructors (Small Group Leaders?). No vehicle that was in the tents where we had no heat. I was actually stationed at Patch Barracks (US Army Health Clinic Stuttgart) which is a great place to be in the Army but I got there right when AFRICOM stood up (doubled the patient population overnight...).

The WLC NCOA is a fenced in area within Graf which also has one of the best DFACs in the Army (won a bunch of USAREUR awards)! I ate so good it makes me wish I could go back... lol

Patch Barracks is pretty cool, small post (Kaserne :D) right next to Vaihingen (not Vaihingen an der whatever the only one that shows up on GPS). There's a VFW on post!

Yep! I did PLDC at Fort Campbell in 04 and it was still 30 days long good fun. I'm at Campbell right now. And I'm not in the 101st :D
Sorry, I went to Graf for WLC (7th Army the first PLDC NCOA). SGLs are the instructors (Small Group Leaders?). No vehicle that was in the tents where we had no heat. I was actually stationed at Patch Barracks (US Army Health Clinic Stuttgart) which is a great place to be in the Army but I got there right when AFRICOM stood up (doubled the patient population overnight...).

The WLC NCOA is a fenced in area within Graf which also has one of the best DFACs in the Army (won a bunch of USAREUR awards)! I ate so good it makes me wish I could go back... lol

Patch Barracks is pretty cool, small post (Kaserne :D) right next to Vaihingen (not Vaihingen an der whatever the only one that shows up on GPS). There's a VFW on post!


Ah. Small group leaders, right. We didn't have that in PLDC in '97. I heard Graf's pldc was one of the hardest in Germany. Is that still true? And the 7 steps to hell is still there?? What heaters did you have in the tents? Potbellys? And why did your patients double when Africom stood up? I was actually IN Africa helping stand it up lol. Was a GREAT deployment too. I mean REEAL great lol. My chow hall in Germany (armstrong barracks buedingen) was soo bad, the post commander almost had it closed and was going to put everyone on separate rats lol. It was THAT bad. I NEVER ate there. I ate on the economy. German food is second to none. Though that was when it was 1 mark 78 pfennig to the dollar. I ate good... :) Can you still drink in the field in Graf?
Hey TurboJosh, my messenger isn't working on here; it says "stopped" when I hit send. At any rate, yes I served. U.S. Army Infantry, and some other stuff on the side. Just retired. What bde in the screaming eagles are you?
Ah. Small group leaders, right. We didn't have that in PLDC in '97. I heard Graf's pldc was one of the hardest in Germany. Is that still true? And the 7 steps to hell is still there?? What heaters did you have in the tents? Potbellys? And what did your patients double when Africom stood up? I was actually IN Africa helping stand it up lol. Was a GREAT deployment too. I mean REEAL great lol. My chow hall in Germany (armstrong barracks buedingen) was soo bad, the post commander almost had it closed and was going to put everyone on separate rats lol. It was THAT bad. I NEVER ate there. I ate on the economy. German food is second to none. Though that was when it was 1 mark 78 pfennig to the dollar. I ate good... :) Can you still drink in the field in Graf?

Like I said our SGLs were the most laid back so it was pretty easy. Other than the fact that they graded the FTX by squad and it lowered my score by a lot so I missed Commandants's List by 0.7%. Haven't heard about the 7 steps to hell. Not sure about what type of heaters as well. When AFRICOM stood up we doubled our patient population with the dependents mostly. Our CO exteneded our hours to offer more appointments but we had the same amount of people (actually lost people in my lab) and labs are not by appointment so we had 30+ people showing up per hour with 3 lab techs (including me the NCOIC (CPL)).

I was there 2008-2010 so it was the Euro. The rate was like 1.7:1 and COLA was like $270 a month so we had to be careful with our money. The bitch is AAFES uses local prices to dictate their on-post prices so BK was like $8 for a basic combo.

Good times anyway. :D
WOW. 8 DOLLARS for a combo????? HOOLLY SHIT. I'd tell 'em to go fuck their couch. You wouldn't get a red cent outta me. For that much I'd eat real German food instead. With a real Hefe Weisen to boot. Hamburger Royale mit casa combo was like USD 2.50 when I was there lol.
Yeah the Euro ruined it. Hefe was still great. I'm 3/4 German but the food was bland needed some seasoning, no offense. Kebab is the sheize though, ultimate drinking food ever!