Now France wants to help!! You gotta be kidding!

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"We have equipment to fight in these circumstances." Ok...let's make a list of France's equipment:

1) Running shoes
2) White flags
3) USA's phone number on speed dial under "911"
4) Deoderant...oh they don't.
5) Shock resistant rifles...don't get damaged when you drop em.

Let's start a new nuclear weapons testing facility in Paris.

"If Saddam Hussein were to use chemical and biological weapons, this would change the situation completely and immediately for the French government."

That's what this is all about in the first place! Keep them from using these weapons, don't wait for them to use them to react.

Good lord. They just want deniability first, and then save face with the world second. Proves this is another case of wanting the U.S. take care of things rather than actually really help out taking care of business. At least Australia is going in on it now, unlike France.
"Uh, you guys go on in there. We got your back if it gets really ugly."
Yeah right. They won't do anything if it's easier, but they'll step up if it gets really nasty? I'm not holding my breath. Maybe it is a step in the right direction, and may give pause to Saddam before using chemical weapons, but I doubt it. I don't think he cares. Here's to hoping our guys don't get subjected to that kind of warfare though, it's rough enough as it is.
France, Canada, Germany, and Russia, are showing their TRUE COLORS in this situation.

YELLOW AND WHITE!!!:rolleyes:

They always let the U.S. do the work that needs to be done.

This is because they have no spine.

I say pull the Foregin Aid to all of them.

Send any natural born American that wants to go to college to school tuition free.
After we are done in Iraq, I say we give France to Britian or Spain. Yeah, they helped win the Revolutionary War for us, but we haven't seen them lately. We took it back from the Germans twice for them and they spit on us. Ever see how people in places like Holland treat WWII personnel? Like saints. They still appreciate to this day the sacrifice that was made for them. Even more than some Americans do.

Remember, France refused to let us overfly their airspace when we bombed Libya too. Quaddafi went quiet after that lesson - let's hope Saddam does too...
I say if the French REALLY want to help, they can do so. This will save countless lives in the even of chemical or biological attack and would save animals as well. Instead of the U.S. using perfectly good Pigeons as living detectors for our front line troops in the event of attack, use the French. :p The animal rights activists would put their blessing on this.
Originally posted by Land Yacht
France, Canada, Germany, and Russia, are showing their TRUE COLORS in this situation.

YELLOW AND WHITE!!!:rolleyes:

They always let the U.S. do the work that needs to be done.

This is because they have no spine.

I say pull the Foregin Aid to all of them.

Send any natural born American that wants to go to college to school tuition free.

Okay now I don't want to start a major flame war here, I won't even read any other responses to this thread, it's just a one shot deal.

I'm Canadian, and take offense to that comment. I know the Canadian military is pretty piss-poor, but Canada was willing to get involved in a war with Iraq with UN support (as most other countries you mentioned). Inane arguing about lack of allied support when the US is jumping the gun is pointless.

And on a side note, the US doesn't send any foreign aid to Canada. I don't think it does to Franch or Germany either, Russia yes since the move to democracy. :)

PLEASE don't take exception to this post. Thanks
Originally posted by lp2

And on a side note, the US doesn't send any foreign aid to Canada. I don't think it does to Franch or Germany either, Russia yes since the move to democracy. :)

Canada, France and Germany get to be trading partners with the number 1 economy in the world. That is pretty good foreign aid to me. How would you like to be in Cuba's shoes. Your country also gets to reside near the umbrella of the number 1 super power in the world.

No flame intended
Originally posted by lp2
Okay now I don't want to start a major flame war here, I won't even read any other responses to this thread, it's just a one shot deal.
I'm Canadian, and take offense to that comment.

Take offense all you want,
the truth does usually hurt.

Lemme guess, French Canadian?.

Don't take offense...........
First of all, you get to rape and pillage our resources to your hearts content and jerk our chains when the shoe's on the other foot. Case in point? Our government just told us yesterday that they authorized a 110% increase in natural gas and electricity as of April 1st our utilities will be doubled. Why the outrageous increase? "Because of the unexpectedly cold weather in the U.S. this winter." :rolleyes: Then there's the softwood lumber dispute. You guys cannot produce lumber as inexpensively as we can so you slap a huge tariff on our products to kill their sale in your marketplace. I guess free trade only works one way.

And as for living under the umbrella on the #1 superpower in the world....if we didn't live next to the #1 superpower in the world we wouldn't need any umbrella in the first place. A friend jokingly told me last week that if it weren't for the military might of the U.S. Canada would have ceased to exist long ago. Perhaps I agreed with him. But the U.S. would have ceased to exist first. ;) Have you seen the local polls? Being your neighbors is not on the top on any countires to do list as of late.

No flame intended and I have no problems with my neighbors to the south. Other than the uneducated ones who call down my country that is.
France lined up against the US because:

1. They are a major importer of Iraqi oil.
2. They have many billions of francs on the line in current and future business deals with Iraq and other Arab states.
3. They desperately want to be viewed as a world power. France is just starting to pay the price for their lack of support, and it's only going to get worse. Having had their 15 minutes of fame and after a couple of days, when the tomahawks fly, don't expect to hear much from France for a long, long while.

So far as Canada goes, I like Canadians, but all but a very few have the irritating habit of slipping into US bashing when they get to feeling sorry for themselves. On the other hand, Canada has great beer, and Neil Young...

The sort of comments made in this thread are clearly not welcome here. Take it to e-mail if you want to waste your time ripping each other down, of all times to do it.
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