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OK Buick vs. Ford Shootout


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Originally posted by stevemon
Also, I just called the track & asked about staying late for an on-site BarBQue & they said up till 10PM was ok though the lights will cost extra. I'm sure we could cover that so lets hear some more of your thoughts guys.
Thanks, Steve

Thanks Steve for checking, My vote is also for at the track and would think other than the weather the turn out would be good since a number of people try to sprint home after the race and would not spend 2+ hours waiting to eat when they could be half way home but would spend maybe an hour to eat and chill at the track before they left.

Originally posted by Winsett
anyone know of the really fast cars planning on attending? the more names the better...

The last e-mail I got from John Smith he said he was planning on attending (he has the Opel)

this could turn out to be really much as racing hehehe
Just a thought.If we know the Mustangs are gonna sandbag,and no matter how many times you say "no,no,no" while shaking your finger at them,they're gonna.Why not "save" a little for the actual race yourself.I know it's not the intent of this shootout,but damn.Why not beat them at their own game.Maybe after that happens,they'll quit doing it.From what I saw last year,half of the sandbag losses could have still been wins had our boys not redlighted.If I think I need to,I'm saving something for the race.If not,and I hope this is the case,I'll be refining my launch technique.I like whoever said to turn on the top bulb,build boost,then turn on the bottom bulb.Been doing it that way for 12 years on all types of tree.I like it cause it takes the starter out of the picture.Just go in when YOUR ready.Oh yeah,to be friendly to the converter,let the other guy turn on his bottom bulb before you build boost.Plus it psyches them out waiting a few secs. for you to get staged.
Originally posted by mrstage1
Just a thought.If we know the Mustangs are gonna sandbag,and no matter how many times you say "no,no,no" while shaking your finger at them,they're gonna.Why not "save" a little for the actual race yourself.I know it's not the intent of this shootout,but damn.Why not beat them at their own game.Maybe after that happens,they'll quit doing it.From what I saw last year,half of the sandbag losses could have still been wins had our boys not redlighted.If I think I need to,I'm saving something for the race.If not,and I hope this is the case,I'll be refining my launch technique.I like whoever said to turn on the top bulb,build boost,then turn on the bottom bulb.Been doing it that way for 12 years on all types of tree.I like it cause it takes the starter out of the picture.Just go in when YOUR ready.Oh yeah,to be friendly to the converter,let the other guy turn on his bottom bulb before you build boost.Plus it psyches them out waiting a few secs. for you to get staged.

Thats just the way I like to stage , I am ready as soon as I bump into the second stage lite
Just an observation from viewing the race the last couple of years. Maybe the buicks need someone to play "coach" and keep an eye on the qualifying times of the opponents and give advise to the racers when they line up with their opponents. Last year 13 second buicks were running 14-15 second fords in the first ten races and due to red lights, about six of those races were lost. Maybe if the buick racers were aware that they had their opponents covered by up to two seconds, this would not have happened. If those early races were won, the additional pressure on the ford camp could have made a difference in favor of buick.

A red light when trying to beat a faster car is a calculated risk. A red light against a slower car is a lost opportunity. Any thoughts?
Originally posted by Turbo Brian
Any thoughts?

Yeah, Pro Tree :)

The big thing we have to do this year is not "push through the lights"

If the track could set the tree up to have it not redlight when the prestage bulb goes out (Push) we will do some serious mustang smacking.

I think some trees can be set not to redlight if a car goes from "staged" to "deep staged" after the tree is coming down. If it could be set up this way, we are golden.

The mustangs will come back hard in the 10's (lots of low 10 second fords), but at least we won't be 20 races down, 30 races in.
I like the idea of having someone keep track of runs by the Ford camp.If we log all the passes we can 2 things will happen.1:You'll know the guy your racing's ET's.2:We'll know who's sandbagging cause sooner or later a guy has to check his setup with the "power adder":D engaged.If we know who's doing what it only increases our chances.Knowledge is power people,rah rah rah.:D.
is this going to be a .400 pro tree or a .500 pro tree??

hmmmm, last time i did pro tree was in bristol virginia, and i got used to it,... it was a .400 setup-

im sure i could get used to it at noble, but would need practice the friday night before-

can we write pro-tree on our windows for friday night???

its late and i didnt read everyones posts, but i know that LOTS of people are going to be caught with no boost at the line, and everyone should be running T-BRAKES and know if its going to be a .400 light or not-

this brings up another Q- running the pro tree setup, if i get to the tree after the ford, i will not have time to spool the turbo in .400 of a second-
WILL THERE BE A DELAY BEFORE THE LIGHTS POP??? giving us more time to spool???

PRO-TREE is a bad idea period.

nobody has enough practice using protree to master it, why throw this INTO THE RACE, most of us are going to be dealing with problems with our cars, and dont want to have to deal with trying to FUCK with cutting a good light
A pro tree eliminates half the variables when trying to cut a good light. There is little to no chance of red lighting. You'll have all morning in qualifying to get used to the pro tree and adjust your launching strategy. After launching with both trees, I'll take a pro tree anyday.
It's not that hard. Light the pre stage light. Wait for mustang to light his. Build 1-3 psi of boost. Wait for mustang to light his stage light. Take a few breaths. Bump into the stage light ready to go, with the idea you will be leaving in less than two seconds, so give it more gas and brake, with no lollygagging.

At the first sign of Yellow floor the accellerator, let go of the brake right after.

The time is so compressed that you don't have to worry as much about building too much boost and pushing through the lights.

I first ran pro tree at bristol in 1999 and I was surprised how easy it was to cut a consistantly good light. Your first couple practice ones may be in the .700's, but getting into the high .400's/low .500's is totally doable, with zero fear of redlightting.

Pro Tree will hurt those people that tune their cars by cranking up the fuel pressure until the cars stops knocking and are therefore are Pig rich out of the hole. For those people I would strongly suggest buying higher octane gas and leaving the fuel pressure alone.
can we put pro tree on the window for friday????

i want to get ready for "the race" and spread the word that its going to be pro tree on saturday-

thank you
i asked if it was .500 or .400 pro tree-

i prefer .400 so i wont redlight-

thank you for clarifying that- im going to spread the word around here, about protree being chosen for the race, so us guys from kansas city dont get caught off gaurd-

im sure we will bring a few fast cars-

As you guys probably know, I will be bringing the red Opel. I will have a problem spooling up even if I do get into the 2nd light first. It takes about 2-3 seconds to build up boost and get on the rev limiter from a 3,500 RPM bump in. It takes closer to to 4-5 seconds to get on the limiter from an idle kickdown. The key here is the starter or the autostart setup. The turbo cars will really benefit with a two second delay from the point where both stage lights are lighted to the flash. If we can get that built into the autostart system, we should do fine.
Point 2: Transbrake - many of us with brakes have the "Sportsman" style brake that is slower responding than the "Pro" brake.
Point 3: Traction - Tracks prep the starting line for maximum traction. If some of the turbo cars launch on low/no boost they will be moving the car out of the maximum traction area when the boost does kick in. We may be seeing some slipping and sliding at the 50' mark when the 20# kicks in on those 10" tires.
All that being said...........who cares:D . Where out there to have a blast. So are the Ford guys. We'd probably have just as much fun with a flagman!!!!! I'll be leaving Wednesday along with the blue Ford powered Opel. He is also looking forward to the event. Eighteen hour drive. Just havin fun!. See you all soon.

John Schmidt
According to UNGN the:
"Pro Tree will hurt those people that tune their cars by cranking up the fuel pressure until the cars stops knocking and are therefore are Pig rich out of the hole. For those people I would strongly suggest buying higher octane gas and leaving the fuel pressure alone."

So John looks like you need some more octane........ and leave that fuel pressure alone;)

I'll be thrashing to fix mine I just blew a pass side headgasket tonight, either way See ya there...