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old lambo tries me out


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May 25, 2001
i was crusing home today from my friend Russ's house. he put a new replacement drivers side header on for me earlier. i was on rt 24 which is a two lane freeway. i saw what looked like and early 70's white lamborgini or maybe it was a pantera. well the guy was weaving in and out of traffic behind me till he got on my side. it was an old white haired man ( i've been getting alot of races with old dudes lately) well when he got besides me he wacked it. sounded real good like a sports car should, but the outcome was the same as when i raced that ls1 from a role a month ago. as soon as the 66 pegged 20 psi i pulled away fairly easy. i slowed up and he zoomed by a threw a big thumbs up. at least old dudes are cool around here.
Nice Kill!

I saw a red mid 90's Lambo with a big sticker that said "Fitness Depot" on the hood and on the rear q-panels and it had number "89" on the door like a race car. Funny thing is, I remmember my good freind working at a "fitness depot" about 3 years ago when we were in High school and he said the owner had a bas ass lambo. Hmmm, I guess either business isn't going to good and he had to F up the lambo or the Roids are starting to get to him....bad! We were going oposite ways but I'll be on the look out for him.