One thing I have noticed about our cars...

BBcutty's_grl, you are exactly the reason why I said "most" girls. Girls like you are pretty rare, you have to admit. Your guy is one of the lucky ones to have you! And there's nothing wrong with makeup and hair styling after you clean your hands. :D
I don't have a problem with women and my car. At first they are not too impressed with it untill I take them for a ride and smoke the Ricer next to me. It's all about the Presentation;).
Believe me I know that there is nothing wrong with make up and hair styles, but not constantly there are more important things in life than staring in a mirror 24/7!!! I work in an office and it's nice on the weekends to not have to worry about anything and just go work on a car!! You guys know what I'm saying!!
Man! Wears heels on the weekdays and is under the hood on the weekends. I suppose you drink beer, too! Are you real? Can you train others? :D

I do know of another girl on this board that is worthy and that's mandersgtp. She's hoping to buy a turbo Regal sometime and has a pretty quick GTP that can be seen on Dynotech's website.
Originally posted by Grim Reaper
all girls really car about with cars is:

1. looks nice
2. you keep it clean
3. you are proud of it
4. it has AC

other then that i have found they could really care less about what kinda car i drive.

don if you wanna be mean pick them up for the 1st date in the GN then IF you get a 2nd date pick them up in a beater.... its fun to see the look on their face.


That would pose a problem... My GN *IS* my "beater" ;)

I do find that few girls are into the GN. Most of them know it's something special, but have no idea what they are looking at. However, with my Chevelle, chicks seem to flock to the car. I know that the past few GF's have all loved it :)
Ive been wondering about this too...... Ever since i got my GN three months ago, all the girls i know keep asking me where my 5.0 went. what the hell is that about????? haha oh well, i wouldnt trade the GN for anything
No bull, man...a couple of years ago there was this guy in town who had just bought a new Viper and, being as it was a small town--every chick for miles was talking about this guy.(..and every guy in town was asking me how much I'd sell that MONTE CARLO for....dopes) So anyway, one friday night I'm out in the Buick and I see this guy in a parking lot with girls all over him so I pull over and half joking ask if he wants to run 'em. Even I was surprised at how sure he was that he didn't want a damn thing to do with a GN, (I think I even heard his voice crack.)..anyway, moral of the story is...after that night, do you think ANY of those girls approached me when I later saw them around town and asked me what was up with that dudes' all powerful Viper not wantin' none of this Darth Vader G-body? No....but yes, on the other hand,I can't go to Napa to buy oil without getting mobbed by guys who actually get pissed when I tell them it's not for strong, man. We are a lonely but SUPERIOR demographic!
Try explaining to a girl thats its not a GN but it still has the same driveline. Then they think its a fake TR cause its not black. I gave up a while ago on picking up a girl cause of my car.
Originally posted by soonergn
I don't think it's just our cars, really. How many older or vintage cars can you think of that chicks would flock to? Maybe some exotics or old Corvette convertables but not much else.

Heh, I remember this one car show, I had my 71 Chevelle...was all decked out...think I got some pics around here...anyway, there was this group of chix....all but left snail marks on the car.

Never had much more than "Thats a nice shiny car" in the TR. But you know what? The less people know what it is, the longer it will stay in my posession.....
Yeah, actually I do drink beer, I am real adn I don't think that i can train others, however, I do have 2 friends that are the same way!! Except for the one drives a ricer!!!:confused: Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with that girls head!!!
yeah i can't believe there's girls out there like that...i WILL find one like that someday damnit!:D
Originally posted by BBcutty's_grl
I do have 2 friends that are the same way!!

Oh man! You guys KNOW what I'm thinkin'! But I won't say a thing. Hehe!! Bad me, bad me. ;)
I tend to agree, but like mentioned there are exeptions. When I first brought mine to school, most of the girls didn't really care, but after going cruising and getting a couple of runs in with a few vettes and TAs, they really start to like them:D My ex likes my car exept for it being down a lot, but she ended up getting a 72 skylark that was a GSX clone that I found a few hours north of here. She works on it a lil and can't stand most rice. I've gotten a few comments from some pretty ladies as well, the most memorable was when I had run a couple of Zs back when i wasnt as modded, and took them by a car length or so. Then SS that was cruising with them came up and wanted some, well after pulling him a couple times pretty steady, we came to a light, the pretty blond in the passenger seat of the SS yelled "your car is beautiful and your pretty cute, can i have a ride?" lol the SS driver got mad and just took off with a pissed off look.:rolleyes: There is also a couple of girls around here that own TBs that I've seen, one works at a mall, and drives a decent GN and the other drives a beautiful blue limited. Have only seen each a couple of times, and everytime they are going the other way and i'll be in the truck:(
soonergn, how could you ever think anything like that knowing that one of the girls has a ricer!!!:p I'm ashamed!!;)
Anybody look at BBcutty's-grl's Profile? It seems she has only been the perfect type of girl for three months:eek: And she drinks beer already? COOL!:cool:
Originally posted by snistrgn
Anybody look at BBcutty's-grl's Profile? It seems she has only been the perfect type of girl for three months:eek: And she drinks beer already? COOL!:cool:

How did you look at her profile????

OH, THAT PROFILE... sorry... thougth you were talking about... uh.. nevermind. :eek: