One thing I have noticed about our cars...

Like you have any room to talk snistrgn you're not that much older than me!!!:eek: My boyfriend is almost as old as you!!!:D
Originally posted by BBcutty's_grl
soonergn, how could you ever think anything like that knowing that one of the girls has a ricer!!!:p I'm ashamed!!;)

There are times where rice doesn't matter. :D

I am not ashamed. :D

Yep, we need pics. :D

Why Don't you just come to Texas and you can change your screen name to snistrgn's-grl:D Seeing as how close we are in age. I'm sure I can show you how much more a 22 yr old knows than an 18 yr old. Plus, our climate requires much less clothing than that harsh michigan climate. But uh... please send pics first:D
gee, thanks for all of the invites guys, but I think that I'll stay right here with bbcutlass. so snistrgn, what is this wonderful information that you can teach me?? MAYBE I'll send pics later who knows, the only one that I can think of to send is me standing in front of the cutlass on my swimming suit!!!;)
Originally posted by BBcutty's_grl
What does a mustang or "chickstang" have to do with it?
Chicks like Mustangs, not real cars. :D

I apologize in advance for the generalization.:D
Sorry, I grew up in a Chevy family, anyone driving a ford might as well consider themselves disowned by my dad. Therefore all I knew was Chevy until I got mixed up with bbcutlass, now I'm learning about that corner of the world!!:D Don't worry about the generalization, there are just some girls out there that simply don't know any better!!!!;)
actually i wouldn't really care if i found a girl that didn't like long as they don't cheat on me and backstab me, they are alright with me!!! why do girls under 22 have to always think they are free and can date around??? i don't get it...:confused:
Hey watch it, I'm only 18 and very committed to my boyfriend!! I have never cheated on him and never will, to me that is the worst thing that you could ever do in a relationship!! I'm honestly surprised that boyfriend trusts me so much, not because of me, but because both of his past girlfriends cheated on him! I honestly don't think that I could ever do that to somebody!!
that's basically how i feel right now...i feel that i cannot trust a single female ever again since my ex cheated on me (my first time)

so now i think all females are bad...i'll get over it once the right one comes along:)
There was probably a year between my boyfriends ex and me, the only reason that we are even together is because a mutual friend set us up. Take my word for it not all females are bad. Just like not all males are bad, just because one will cheat on you doesn't mean that they all will!! Just hang in there someone will come along and show that therre is hope out there to trust females after all!!!:D
Blah, Blah, Blah,

This thread sounds like a damn Cosmo article and a country song put together.:rolleyes: Just shut up about all the cheatin' and send pics! I'll show you mine if you show me yours;)
I figured to stay out of this thread being married & not really looking for another wife or girlfriend.

It is true the real young girls 16 to 24 were too young to remember these cars.

I have noticed in my driving around that women in the 28ish to 38 ish range who drive nice iron will take a long stare at the while I am driving it. Maybe it jogs their memory of a possible past boyfriends car.

Truly if you need your car to impress a girl you need to work on other social skills.. a car is a small part of the package that a woman judges a guy.. It more by the size of his WALLET :D
last car show I had 2 women in their mid to early 30's start talking to me how much they loved my car blah blah.. Both had a GN in the past. One wrapped hers around a telephone pole when the boost hit in the rain one day around the corner:( and the other worked for a Buick dealer and had one:) They were so excited to be talking about the GN and almost had a tear in their eyes lol. Then on th eway back to the garage a early 30's woman in a new Maxima stopped her car and open her window and yelled to me.. NICE CAR!!
Women do notice these cars.
Usually when I see a nice older model car drive by, regardless of the make or model(unless it's a ford), it turns my head, but that's just me, I love the way the older cars look!! All of the newer model cars look the same, there are some differences, but for the most part they look the same!! Yeah, it's true that most girls ages 16 to 24 don't know a good car when they see it, unless they know something about cars or have a boyfriend that drives one, even then they usually don't know a thing about it!!!

Snistrgn, what on earth are you doing reading cosmo?? I don't even read that!!!:p You go first, but I won't promisr that I will send mine!!!;)
Hey yall, I just wanted to solve yalls problem for ya. Yall was right a Grand National is not a chick getter for the simple reason that it is a v-6. you might as well cosider them ricers!! That is the same reason that my girlfriend (BBCutty's_grl) has turned you all down. She wants HORSEPOWER and you cant get the same kind of horespower out of them v-6's. I'm yall are doin well at the track but, put that same kind of money into an olds
V-8 and see what ya get. I have seen a lot of nice lookin GN's at the shows but I cant see why you would put a damn 6 cylinder in muscle car. I realize my cutlass is not qiute a dream car but the way it sits mildly built , it is getting 450 HP here are my pics.My car
Originally posted by BBCutlass403
Hey yall, I just wanted to solve yalls problem for ya. Yall was right a Grand National is not a chick getter for the simple reason that it is a v-6. you might as well cosider them ricers!! That is the same reason that my girlfriend (BBCutty's_grl) has turned you all down. She wants HORSEPOWER and you cant get the same kind of horespower out of them v-6's. I'm yall are doin well at the track but, put that same kind of money into an olds
V-8 and see what ya get. I have seen a lot of nice lookin GN's at the shows but I cant see why you would put a damn 6 cylinder in muscle car. I realize my cutlass is not qiute a dream car but the way it sits mildly built , it is getting 450 HP here are my pics.My car

i really HOPE you are kidding...