I also have an e-cutout. But mine gains me quite a few more pounds with it open than yours. Again I attribute that to the crimped and smashed stock dp and the 60-1. With the e-cutout closed it is laggier than an old lady running the 100 yard dash. With it open it feels like my buddies car did with the ta-49.
I think I'm gonna forgo your advice on tuning it with the cutout closed. I'm gonna tune it open at 18-20 psi on 94, The only thing that'll happen when I close it and leave it in the same trim is it'll run rich. Nothing a few knobs of the translator can't cure. I just thought I was the only one that saw more boost with the cutout open than closed. My buddy opens his and sees not one psi of difference. I think that is because of his atr stock size dp. Looks ten times better than the stocker.
Right now I'm running 21 psi on 93/94 with the cutout closed and the lowest my o2's have been is 726mv. Not even the hint of knock coming on at those levels. The 50's and 340 seemed like a cure all for my car. Again with it open the 21 psi closed becomes 28psi and I'm scared to push it there. It spikes to 28 then I let out. The hg replacement wasn't that bad, but I'm in no mood to do it again so soon.
I was out on disability from work for a while(keeping my job was a stress point). Now that I',m back(3 weeks) I've worked 76 hrs. the 1st, 87 hrs. the 2nd, and this week I can't count that high(only to 21 if I'm naked, O.K. 20 1/2).
I must of turned the rod about 13 revolutions and haven't seen but a couple pounds decrease in boost. I'm gonna throw it on a local dyno and see just what the 60-1 can push with some 116 and a little tweaking of the extender. I'm looking to be banging on your back door Julio!!!!!!!!!!!!