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Other board sold!!


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Staff member
TurboBuick.Com Supporter!
May 24, 2001
The other board ( has been sold to the conglomerate. :mad:

I sure hope there's nothing like that on the horizon for this site. :eek:

Or, they're especially bad.
Anytime a company buys another for profit only,it is not usually a good sign.:rolleyes:These are not car guys but businessman.I believe in time as these cars get older we will be lucky to have one board and a few suppliers like the older buicks have today.:mad:Everything is changing and not always for the better:eek:

The "other" board hardly had any posts on it lately, very little traffic and saying they had massive growth?? Traffic on here seems to be down a lot too, signs of the times I guess. Hope this place stays as is. Chime in here Shane.:smile:
I can't see it living long.. Really not many members left over there. Takes 15 min to make or reply to a post :rolleyes: BUT it was like that in the morning for a long time anyway.
I can't see it living long.. Really not many members left over there. Takes 15 min to make or reply to a post :rolleyes: BUT it was like that in the morning for a long time anyway.

X2 I did not go on that board much but it had very light traffic. Some dumbass must have bought it. :biggrin:
Or, it could be all about business... Take TBs, sell it so that tb can still be a fun place for you old guys to post on. Unless the sale included a non-compete claus, I don't see a problem with it. Look for more of that traffic to come over here.
The other board ( has been sold to the conglomerate. :mad:

I sure hope there's nothing like that on the horizon for this site. :eek:

Or, they're especially bad.

surprise surprise.......sold for money yup sounds about right

if that happened here that would be great to finally get some changes for the better,
and some solid rules to play by instead of the profit strategy carrying priority
having more weight then any rule or insult or threat ever giving out.

maybe I'll see BGNRA on ebay soon too
As long as Shane is around I don't see TB.COM going anywhere :cool:
surprise surprise.......sold for money yup sounds about right

if that happened here that would be great to finally get some changes for the better,
and some solid rules to play by instead of the profit strategy carrying priority
having more weight then any rule or insult or threat ever giving out.

maybe I'll see BGNRA on ebay soon too

You really are dumb as dirt. I give you chance after chance to come back to the board and all you do is insult me and claim it is all about money for me. You have no clue kid... You have attacked me several times on this board and youtube. I am sick of you!

Profit strategy, hmm. I would love to hear what you "think" I make off this board. If you had a grain of sense and listened to what I say, I make more in a WEEK at my regular job(s) than I do all year here. I put in about as much work here. So please STFU and go away for ever...

I am not going to ban you, if you got the nerve to come back after insulting me time and time again with no proof you are dumber than I thought.

Do you have any proof of me doing anything you accuse ME of? If so please put it out there. My attorney would enjoy a Christmas bonus, so look up slander first...

One more question. Has it EVER cost you 1 PENNY to post on this board? No, I didn't think so:rolleyes:
As long as Shane is around I don't see TB.COM going anywhere :cool:

Guys as long as I can pay my house payment and feed my kids I have 100% intentions of keeping the board... As stated above this isn't about money to me. I love the cars, and appeal, but mainly the members of the community (with a few minor exceptions;))

Everyone from over there is welcome here... I have no problem with anyone over there...

You guys think we are tough on rules:eek::eek: You ain't seen nothing yet;)

I heard that board was for sale, I made what I thought was a fair offer. I don't know the details so I am not judging him at all for selling... Life is tough... Walk a mile in another mans shoes...
Is there something wrong with this board? I need to know because I can't think for myself and rely on well informed people like somebody above to tell me.

I have been on these boards for years (all of them) This one is where I hang my hat. I've seen all kinds of people gettin' upset and then the whole thing work itself out....very rarely is there interference. MOST of us are adults here. SOME of us are nutswingers from other boards.

Have a happy holiday!
lmao gnbrett!!! c'mon bro, get with it:biggrin: as many post you have here and as much time you spend on the internet, and your gonna call something else "lame"??? :rolleyes:

some of the best tech advisers in that tech section, if not a couple of "the" best tech guys.
and no censoring, locking, or deleting. damn!!! that sure SUCKS, don't it??!!! lol!

i just learned recently the amount of $$$ and time it takes to do a forum like this one. and if mike savino was ready to move on, fair enough, but the only thing that sucks is who it went to.

over time i've learned is not completely my kind of forum, but i don't blame shane one bit for trying to keep this board moderated, and to cater so much to the paying vendors to try and keep it self-sustaining. it probably nowhere even compares to the rules and annoying ads that most other car forums have. plus, shane has true passion for these cars, and a good heart. although,:p... owning 3 boards shane:confused: why?
Thank God that loser Savino has sold out. Maybe he'll be gone now, I had no use for that spineless a$$hole.

Billy T.
I gave up on that site when the owner gave up on it a few years ago. is the only place to be if you own a turbo Buick no matter how you slice it up!
I gave up on that site when the owner gave up on it a few years ago. is the only place to be if you own a turbo Buick no matter how you slice it up!

OK now e-mail me what we were talking about Saturday ( . As far as the other board i spent as much time there as here if not more there because of the MAGNA section but if it gets like was posted above on the link i may do like Jim C and only post here
Guys as long as I can pay my house payment and feed my kids I have 100% intentions of keeping the board... As stated above this isn't about money to me. I love the cars, and appeal, but mainly the members of the community (with a few minor exceptions;))

Great to hear! I (and I'm sure many others) appreciate what you do here.