PERFECT neighbor

sounds like the guy who made that web page is a real jack ass, i can relate to mr clampett, im the redneck on our street. 12 cars parked in the yard, one on blocks and my neighbors never complain. god i love the south.
i revoke my last statement, after reading all of that site i would have to say if it would have been me in jd8s neighbors shoes i would have prolly done tryed to torch his house or somethen, god what hicks.
Originally posted by equalizer442
sounds like the guy who made that web page is a real jack ass, i can relate to mr clampett, im the redneck on our street. 12 cars parked in the yard, one on blocks and my neighbors never complain. god i love the south.

You might be a redneck if....Your property has been mistaken for a recycling center.

You might be a redneck if....Your property has been mistaken for a recycling center.

we in the south like to call them junk yards :D its not really a junk yard, im just a collector of classic buicks and other odditys.