Please Pray for 86 Brick's Family

John Wilde

I'm getting too old for this $#!%
Staff member
May 27, 2001
Guys and Gals,

Our valued board member and my friend 86 Brick is having a tough time right now. It is not my business to go into details but I can tell you that his mother is very ill. In addition he has had health difficulties and has had to go the hospital a couple times. I would like to ask for everyone that reads this post to take a second and pray for them. Even for the skeptics who think that prayer can't help, I reach out to you and promise that it can't hurt the situation.

Thanks in advance,

John Wilde

God bless Mrs. V and Steve
Guys and Gals,

Our valued board member and my friend 86 Brick is having a tough time right now. It is not my business to go into details but I can tell you that his mother is very ill. In addition he has had health difficulties and has had to go the hospital a couple times. I would like to ask for everyone that reads this post to take a second and pray for them. Even for the skeptics who think that prayer can't help, I reach out to you and promise that it can't hurt the situation.

Thanks in advance,

John Wilde

God bless Mrs. V and Steve

Will do, hoping for the best
Praying that things work out.
Sorry to here.

Mike Barnard
I will keep him & his family in my prayers. I, too, hope that all works out for the best.

As you well know my friend, prayers do work!

I will certainly pray for the man and his family!

you are in our prayers. Steve,Alex,Jerry all the the boys at trackside.Frankie ,Randy, Jeff.
Hang in there man.. we have you in our thoughts and prayers.
Unfortunately I have bad news, Mrs. V lost her battle yesterday and is now in a better place. Please keep our board members and friends Steve 86Brick and Alex blackshoebox in your prayers.

God bless their whole family...