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police lights dimmers


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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
hello people; You ever drive by a cop with someone pulled over at night or in the early morning? Well if you ever have you know how bright there lights are and that could cause more of a problem. I went by one this morning and the cop left his door open and it wasn't till I got pretty close to see it that I could of hit it. Talking this morning people had a couple of stories on the subject.
Same with those new headlights. It's nice for the driver but sucks for everyone else.
when a LEO has someone pulled over and there are open lanes its best to move over into one, otherwise just slow down a little - no need to dim his lights - just use some common sense around them. ;-) o_O

just my opinion.
[quote="when a LEO has someone pulled over and there are open lanes its best to move over into one"

In New York State, it's not just a good idea - it's the law!
He wasn't talking about the move over law. He was talking about the excessive brightness of lighting on vehicles that temporarily blinds you as you approach another vehicle leaving you driving blind. Those lights on LE's cars are so bright it is hard to tell where you are in respect to other vehicles as well as the new HID headlights that are just plain unnecessary. If you can't see LE's stopped up ahead or need that much headlamp than you should not drive at night. He has a legitimate point.
Watched a sheriff come up on a traffic accident we were stopped for that had other LE's there with their disco lights going; he drove over and got hung up a large piece of debris from the accident becasue he was blinded; good thing it was not a person.

If you were pulling over someone in the middle of the night, you would want bright lights too. There are reasons for that, very good reasons.
hello; And hello Reggie West. Another thing the po po do is put there spot right in your rear view which got to help in being safe the the cop. But they could just light up the car area only and not blind the world.
[quote="when a LEO has someone pulled over and there are open lanes its best to move over into one"

In New York State, it's not just a good idea - it's the law!
hello; HIJACK!! Hey Rif Raf lets here some comments on your GNX upgrade. If that isn't a X already. At a show years ago there was a guy whos farther had a Buick dealership who did it but I had no interest at the time to talk to him.
There is a point where all those bright stobes get so blinding that they become hazards themselves.
Il has Scotts law. When a state trooper has someone pulled over you have to slow down and move to a lane away from them. Thats a nice fine and I beleive 3 month suspension. When I was towing we put white strobes on the front and rear of truck because of a driver that got killed from someone coming up behind them without seeing them. Those lights are bright and annoying but they're there for a reason.
hello people; I'm an adult and I know the reasons for these overly bright lights but I still think they suck.
over and out
They are a little excessive with the new led light bars. If you can't hear the siren and seen the old lights you shouldn't be driving!!! And like what was mentioned before in the dark they shine their spotlights right into the car and blind you that way!

I have been blinded by these lights just driving by them
If you were pulling over someone in the middle of the night, you would want bright lights too. There are reasons for that, very good reasons.

yeah- because the cops assume that the general public is their enemy and is obviously up to something illegal- why else would they be out after dark? i mean, it's not like millions of hard working people work night shifts or anything..

around here, i've noticed lately that when cops have someone pulled over at night they only have enough lights on to light up the car they have pulled over and indicate to cars coming up behind them that they need to move over and go around.. they don't feel the need to light up an entire square mile like it's high noon any more.. i'll call this a good thing.. people seem to have a less combative realtionship with the police these days, and the cops don't look like they are pissed at the world like they did about a year ago.. i don't know what brought about the change, but i like it..
Being a firefighter I can tell you that arriving on a scene with the police cars with all the "LED" lights on blinds you.
novaderrik said:
yeah- because the cops assume that the general public is their enemy and is obviously up to something illegal- why else would they be out after dark? i mean, it's not like millions of hard working people work night shifts or anything..

around here, i've noticed lately that when cops have someone pulled over at night they only have enough lights on to light up the car they have pulled over and indicate to cars coming up behind them that they need to move over and go around.. they don't feel the need to light up an entire square mile like it's high noon any more.. i'll call this a good thing.. people seem to have a less combative realtionship with the police these days, and the cops don't look like they are pissed at the world like they did about a year ago.. i don't know what brought about the change, but i like it..

Maybe a pay increase, which would say our taxes went up.

Sent from my iPhone using Turbo Buick
I tried to ignore this post. But people have a misconception all LEO's are out to irritate or inconvenience them.

In 2011, 165 LEO's lost their lives while working. Out of 165 deaths 60 of them where traffic related and 72 where from being shot.
There were 54774 assaults reported and 14578 injuries.
So when i stop a car i dont want the driver of the car to be able to see what im doing or where im at chance of being assaulted, shot, the chance to flee (traffic stop occupants) and so i can see movements inside the car. And as far as the lights, yeah one would think a little single red bubble light on top of the car would alert oncoming drivers of an upcoming situation, but it doesnt. People either do not pay attention or their being rubber neckers (checking to see a dead body, someone they know, or hoping to be on the next edition of COPS)
I can not count how many accidents, involving police cars, i have seen or heard of where people say they couldnt see the light. Or how many countless times i have been going to an extreme emergency where my lights and siren are activated and the driver in front of me doesnt see or hear me.
So my sincere appologies for any tax paying, law abiding citizen, innocent bystandard that is passing by a location i am at with my emergency lights activated and the brightness of my lights makes you squint while your breaking your neck to see what im doing, or my lights screw up the video your making, for that i am sorry.
Also no LEO's out there sit around a table and say lets see how we can screw with people today, i know, lets spend tons of money on every light fixture we can add to a car and blind EVERYBODY.
The lights are in place for SAFETY for not only the officer but the person being stopped and for the public passing by.
The majority of the equipment we carry or utilize today stems from some lawsuit.
I wish it was like Mayberry where Sheriff Andy just handed the cell keys to the town drunk and told him to go lock himself up for the night (and he did). But its not, people dont want to go to jail and will do anything to keep from it.
I tried to ignore this post. But people have a misconception all LEO's are out to irritate or inconvenience them.

In 2011, 165 LEO's lost their lives while working. Out of 165 deaths 60 of them where traffic related and 72 where from being shot.
There were 54774 assaults reported and 14578 injuries.
So when i stop a car i dont want the driver of the car to be able to see what im doing or where im at chance of being assaulted, shot, the chance to flee (traffic stop occupants) and so i can see movements inside the car. And as far as the lights, yeah one would think a little single red bubble light on top of the car would alert oncoming drivers of an upcoming situation, but it doesnt. People either do not pay attention or their being rubber neckers (checking to see a dead body, someone they know, or hoping to be on the next edition of COPS)
I can not count how many accidents, involving police cars, i have seen or heard of where people say they couldnt see the light. Or how many countless times i have been going to an extreme emergency where my lights and siren are activated and the driver in front of me doesnt see or hear me.
So my sincere appologies for any tax paying, law abiding citizen, innocent bystandard that is passing by a location i am at with my emergency lights activated and the brightness of my lights makes you squint while your breaking your neck to see what im doing, or my lights screw up the video your making, for that i am sorry.
Also no LEO's out there sit around a table and say lets see how we can screw with people today, i know, lets spend tons of money on every light fixture we can add to a car and blind EVERYBODY.
The lights are in place for SAFETY for not only the officer but the person being stopped and for the public passing by.
The majority of the equipment we carry or utilize today stems from some lawsuit.
I wish it was like Mayberry where Sheriff Andy just handed the cell keys to the town drunk and told him to go lock himself up for the night (and he did). But its not, people dont want to go to jail and will do anything to keep from it.

You make a good point about your safety and you have every right to expect to be able to be as protective as possible concerning your welfare. You also make a good point about the idiot rubberneckers who make it dangerous for everyone else with their morbid curiosity. And again your point about traffic stops being very dangerous and giving yourself every advantage is justifiable. But the valid point still exists taking away our ability to navigate is to no one's advantage. People do stupid things especially under stress and removing our ability to see while driving through or past the situation you are addressing is equally dangerous.

I tried to ignore this post. But people have a misconception all LEO's are out to irritate or inconvenience them.

In 2011, 165 LEO's lost their lives while working. Out of 165 deaths 60 of them where traffic related and 72 where from being shot.
There were 54774 assaults reported and 14578 injuries.
So when i stop a car i dont want the driver of the car to be able to see what im doing or where im at chance of being assaulted, shot, the chance to flee (traffic stop occupants) and so i can see movements inside the car. And as far as the lights, yeah one would think a little single red bubble light on top of the car would alert oncoming drivers of an upcoming situation, but it doesnt. People either do not pay attention or their being rubber neckers (checking to see a dead body, someone they know, or hoping to be on the next edition of COPS)
I can not count how many accidents, involving police cars, i have seen or heard of where people say they couldnt see the light. Or how many countless times i have been going to an extreme emergency where my lights and siren are activated and the driver in front of me doesnt see or hear me.
So my sincere appologies for any tax paying, law abiding citizen, innocent bystandard that is passing by a location i am at with my emergency lights activated and the brightness of my lights makes you squint while your breaking your neck to see what im doing, or my lights screw up the video your making, for that i am sorry.
Also no LEO's out there sit around a table and say lets see how we can screw with people today, i know, lets spend tons of money on every light fixture we can add to a car and blind EVERYBODY.
The lights are in place for SAFETY for not only the officer but the person being stopped and for the public passing by.
The majority of the equipment we carry or utilize today stems from some lawsuit.
I wish it was like Mayberry where Sheriff Andy just handed the cell keys to the town drunk and told him to go lock himself up for the night (and he did). But its not, people dont want to go to jail and will do anything to keep from it.

i get all that, but i wouldn't call being blinded by the flashing strobe lights on top of a cop car that has someone pulled over on the side of the road an "inconvenience"- i'd call it a safety hazard.
and when i'm the one that's pulled over, i can always see the cop coming up to the car, despite all of your valiant attempts to blind me for my safety... it's amazing how much difference it makes to just flip the lever on the rear view mirror to kill most of the light coming from there, and keeping the side mirrors aimed out so i can't see any of my car in it.. i can always at least see the shadow of the cop in at least one mirror... if i was a perp that wanted to do something to you as you approached my car, i could..
Those lights ARE bright............however......and this is the gospel truth..........most drivers out there on the highway ARE NOT BRIGHT!! So, with this in mind, the lights are there for the safety of the officer who stopped, plus the poor sap he pulled the oncoming can't get any simpler than that! They don't bother me at all, and my eyes are super, super sensitive to light. I have to wear sunglasses all of the damn time..........I can see like a cat at night, but light hurts my eyes......but the police lights, they are not a problem for me. They are for to draw attention to the fact that there is an obstruction on the road ahead. To draw the attention of the drivers who don't pay attention while driving. (which there are so, so many)

Don't suggest that the cop just hold a match or bottle rocket by the side of the road for illumination...he's got other important things to do at that time.

Ever stop to think of what a hell of a dangerous job those guys have? I mean, REALLY. They put their life on the line every damn day, and all the late, dark hours of the night, just so you can complain about the lights on their cars! Wow! You are so fortunate with that kind of freedom to bitch, but please come up with a really good reason next time. And the first people you want help from if you are attacked, hit, robbed, run over, are the police.........please, don't forget, while bleeding from an AK47 round from some coward criminal, with your dying breath, tell them to dim their lights, they're too bright.

Again, the bright lights are for the NOT BRIGHT drivers out there........I've seen so many videos of people who do not pay attention and just SLAM into the police car at full speed, even though the cop had his overhead lights on.

A poor cop, a few years ago, was run over, killed, by an idiot in a semi who wasn't paying attention to the BRIGHT lights.....that guy had a nice family, you know. Give the officers of the law a break here, fellas, please.

No flaming please, I have lighter fluid all over me from trying to light the grill this evening.:eek: Thanks.

Bruce '87 Grand National
I heard on news radio that the crazy pattern of the flashing lights actually draws some drivers toward them w/out realizing it...kinda like the affect robert kennedy had back in a 99 when he was flying his jet at night lost his bearings and couldnt tell left from right up from down