Police shown on tape handcuffing misbehaving 5-year-old

Some of the opinions here illustrate what is wrong. Take responsibility for your actions! That girl was taught at a young age (5) that her actions have consequences. Next time she thinks about throwing a fit I bet she'll think twice. Handcuffs are just a restraint device. If she acted like that in an operating room, she'd be strapped to the gurney.

Again, if my son was in that situation and acting like that he would have wished he was back in handcuffs in the principals office when I found out. :mad:

Though, other parents would rather make excuses and blame someone else. :rolleyes:
Let's see here. I don't have children. So I won't claim to know how I'd react if that were my child.

Now, as far as the race card goes. Steve, you're claiming that because you are a man of color (trying to be PC) that you are automatically going to be sensitive to racism. That's your choice. But if that's the case, then every time there is a situation with a child of color, the race card gives them automatic 'get out of jail free card'. The situation should be automatically scrutinized and the burden of proof should lie on the 'person lacking color' to prove that it wasn't racism. I won't deny that racism should be considered. It should be considered... IF THERE IS INDICATIONS OF RACIAL MOTIVATION. That does not just mean the colors don't match. I'm talking about racial slurs, I'm talking about unfair treatment (child of color punished more then child lacking color), etc. Nothing like that is indicated here.

There are other factors of possible prejudice as well that aren't being 'flagged'. The child is female... should women's lib advocates be up in arms?? If the child is of special needs. You can actually be prejudiced against those with disabilities. Nobody has raised that flag yet.

Yes, the media will run to the hills with the race card, because it makes ratings. But that does not mean this is a racially motivated incident. It is a situation where a child had a real bad day at school and decisions needed to be made as to how to handle the child.

As always, I respect everyone's opinions and enjoy a civil, orderly conversation. I hope I haven't offended anyone and have extended the courtesy of respectful conversation.
Re: I disagree....

Originally posted by artrenee10
Im sorry but there is no way UNDERNEATH ANY CIRCUMSTANCES would I allow police officers to handcuff my child...Guys yes she was acting out but how is that any different than any of the temper tantrums that YOUR own children have thrown. I have a two year old and as we all know the terribletwo's ain't nothin nice. But to be put in handcuffs for a temper tantrum is a bit extreme.....no Im sorry I don't agree....

And Im also a school teacher (7th Grade Language Arts)

And those same teachers should have taken control of their situation and their classroom as well.

Somehow, I think that if it were some of your own children that were being handcuffed for throwing a temper tantrum essentially, you might have a different opinion.....

She's a five year old girl.......

Is this what we have came to?

Are you kidding me??? If it were my child AT HOME, as you put it, I would have the opportunity to "restrain". The teacher didn't because of all the sue happy, pansy ass people who don't believe in discipline. Did you even watch the vid?? That wasn't a temper tantrum and obviously by the officers coments they had been there before for that particular child. Yea, she's only five.... and swinging at the teacher trying to hit her. Should they wait until she's 15 and can beat the crap out of someone or maybe she'll turn out like the other 14 and 15 year olds that come to school with a gun, blow away YOUR kid and the teacher too. How would you feel about taking care of it when they are "only five" then??
Originally posted by broke1
Yea,lets put the 5yo black girl in hand cuffs:rolleyes:

To all you agreeing with the police actions,im sure you see nothing wrong with putting that little ****** in cuffs do you??:eek:

Killing a cop should be like winning the lottery.JMHO

And you my friend are a racist yourself lashing out. Making this some kind of racial thing is low. This was a kid, probably like you, unloved, undiscliplined at home and don't know how to act in society with rules and structure.

And killing a cop IS like winning the lottery. You'll get ALOT of unwanted attention. There will be cameras in your face. Lots of people asking you questions. You'll become secluded and then its all gone and you die.
Have a great day.
Re: Re: I disagree....

Originally posted by dentmasters01
Are you kidding me??? If it were my child AT HOME, as you put it, I would have the opportunity to "restrain". The teacher didn't because of all the sue happy, pansy ass people who don't believe in discipline. Did you even watch the vid?? That wasn't a temper tantrum and obviously by the officers coments they had been there before for that particular child. Yea, she's only five.... and swinging at the teacher trying to hit her. Should they wait until she's 15 and can beat the crap out of someone or maybe she'll turn out like the other 14 and 15 year olds that come to school with a gun, blow away YOUR kid and the teacher too. How would you feel about taking care of it when they are "only five" then??

Where do you live? I want to come be your neighbor so our kids can go to the same school. :D
Originally posted by broke1
Did you see me say it was alright for the kid to act like that???NOPE,BECAUSE I DIDNT SAY THAT.

Im a firm beleiver in spare the rod spoil the child.It isnt the cops place to discipline my child even if I dont.;)Be like me slapping your kid for somthing I dont agree with,ITS WRONG!!!

I thought cops were supposed to put the bad guys in hand cuffs,NOT KIDS!!!!!

Well for one, they didn't slap the kid. Even though she deserved it.
Second, what do you think this kid would end up like if permitted to act this way with no repercussions.
What happens when she turns to the other kids in the class and hurts them.
Lastly, by you saying statements like you did about the "black girl in a white school" proves that your a racist and just trying to get more pity votes by "slammin da white man"

Go ahead, kill a cop. I'd love to see how "unfair" your treated. I'll even represent you in court. ;)
Re: I think you are taking this out of proportion

Originally posted by artrenee10
I blame her teachers for not being able to control A FIVE YEAR OLD GIRL. (God she was SOOOOOOOOOOO out of control correct?)

Steven J. Chambers IV

How do they do that??? Touch the child and it end up in court.
Your wrong. fact
Originally posted by broke1
Yea,and you ****ing idiots are supporting hurting children and elderly.

I dont care wtf you guys say that happened because that child was black and nothing else.


The water down there must have done something to your brain cells. So you think that if she were white, it would have been ok to hit at the teacher and destroy the classroom? Nothing would have been done??? really??

Seriously?? you think that??
Re: Re: Re: I disagree....

Originally posted by bishir
Where do you live? I want to come be your neighbor so our kids can go to the same school. :D

Schools are only as good as the parents in the community. FACT
Re: Response

Originally posted by artrenee10

I truly hope this thread wouldn't/doesn't influence my ability to gain advice, or services via this website.

So you want to be able to say anything, and not really have to take responsibility for making a statement?.

That don't work in my book. If someone wants to take a position I don't agree with, I'll boycott them, and write them to let them know why. And yes there are some that want to disagree with me, that I won't offer any tech help to.

Kind of a ying, and yang, thing.
I can actually say I was involved in an incident very similar to this one just a couple of years ago. I'm a police officer and at the time I was assigned as a school resourse officer. The majority of my time was dedicated to teaching DARE and other safety programs in both the public and private schools. One afternoon I received a call to respond to an elementary school for a child that was out of control When I arrived I found a 5 year old hispanic boy who had flipped his lid. The boy seemed to be going through a mental breakdown. When I got there, the boy was standing on a desk and was telling me to keep my hands off of him. I watched him kick at his teacher and I, then jump from desk to desk before I decided he needed to be restrained (NOT PUNISHED). I placed him in a type of handcuffs called Tuff Ties.....they are made of shoelace material. Had I had regular handcuffs sized for kids I would have used them. Restraining the child was stickly for safety reasons...I wanted him under control by the fastest means necessary....the reality of it is that handcuffs get the job done.

I understand arguments against officers handcuffing people. I'm a father and I would not want my child handcuffed. Unfortunately, sometimes it's needed. Last year I handcuffed a 13 year old autistic boy after he attacked his teacher and bit my arm. His mother flipped out when she saw him in handcuffs......after things calmed down she apologized to me and thanked us for keeping her son under control.

For those of you who think the teacher did not adequately do her job, maybe you are right and maybe you are wrong. I was not there so I will not comment on this specific scenario. I can tell you from firsthand experience that sometimes things get out of control....no matter how good or how much training anyone has. I would not hesitate for a second to put any child or elderly person in handcuffs if it is necessary......and sometimes it is definitely necessary.

I sincerely hope that child gets the help she needs before she hurts herself or someone else. Maybe she will get the specialized attention she needs at her new school.

I'm glad to finally hear someone of the law enforcement community. I'm glad to hear your opinion and strongly agree. Also thanks for sharing your incident. Very good example.
I just watched the video for the first time and wanted to add a couple of more points from an officers perspective. The video clip title mentions that the little girl was arrested. Although I do not know if she was or not, I wanted to clarify that putting someone in handcuffs does not automatically mean they are under arrest. Police detain people with handcuffs all the time then release them without arrest. It is perfectly legal and is generally done for safety reasons.

I don't particularly like the fact that the girl had calmed down and was sitting when the officers handcuffed her. With that said, it sounds like the officers had prior dealings with this particular child....based on prior experience, they may have believed she was still volatile and may have lost control again. It is much easier to error on the side of caution and handcuff a calm person who might become uncontrollable rather than trying to do it after control has already been lost.

For those of you who brought up the race card (from both sides), it is dissappointing. Nothing in those videos showed any biases based on race. That incident could very well have happened the exact same way if the teachers and officers were all black, just as it could have happened if the little girl had been white. I'd like to think that everyone was doing what they thought was the right thing at the time regardless of race. Believe it or not, that is the norm....not the other way around.
After reading Splwubs GN's last link, I have one final thought. Although I agree with placing the little girl in handcuffs, I think it was silly to actually file charges against her....even if the victim wanted to. In VA, a child can only be charged with a crime if they had criminal intent. There is no set age for when kids start to get criminal intent, but for the most part 10 years old is a good rule of thumb.
This explains it all :rolleyes:

The girl was to return to the classroom today, but her mother said that won't happen. "She's never going back to that school," Inda Akins said Thursday evening from her apartment on 39th Lane S. "They set my baby up."

The 31-year-old single mother of three said she is consulting an attorney. Akins, whose last name is different from her daughter's, blamed the assistant principal, Nicole Ross Dibenedetto. She accused Dibenedetto of harping on the girl to the point where she "acted up" in class. "Ever since I told her to stay away from my daughter, there's been problems."

The police reports on Monday's incident raised some questions. The girl is described as wearing a "tan dress, white shirt, white shoes. Hair in braids." Height: 4 feet 6 inches. Weight: 60 pounds.

Akins laughed at the last part. Her daughter, she said, weighs 40 pounds. The girl stood next to a reporter and measured about 31/2 feet. "She's just a regular girl," Akins said.

As she spoke, her three children rambled through the apartment. The girl, the oldest child, rode a pink bicycle through the living room, one of the training wheels missing. Her brother got up on a table and swatted a light fixture, laughing.
It has been misquoted on here a couple of times and I thought I heard it a different way so I listened to the part where the officer talked.
Twice I have READ the officer being quoted as saying " I told your mom I'd put you in cuffs"
but he says
"I'm the one YOU told your mom put you in cuffs"

Which means not only has she caused trouble before, but to a degree that equals this one. This would also clarify why they restrained her again. Maybe the first time they learned something about her. Maybe she will learn something this time.

Of coarse, maybe her mom learned something the first time also. That may be why she didn't want to be there and let or even told her kid to act a fool. Looks like a paycheck to me. Lawyer in 24 hrs?? Did she see the tapes??? Wonder what would happen if the little girl hits at HER momma??? I bet if you could see the home version of the same situation as at school this girl would rather be in zip ties.

I know I would .
Kids are a product of their enviroment. I blame 95% of what kids do on their parents. Better parents make better kids. Since I don't know the mother I won't pass judgement....with that said, problem kids generally come from parents with problems.
Unfortunately.........I couldn't resist

I didn't attend school today, but yesterday, this thread and the conversation that ensued made for an excellent lesson plan. To be honest, I learned quite a bit from just about everyone's response to this thread. I also asked my own kids, (yes predominantly african american and one spanish) how did they feel about the situation that happened. We watched the video together, and discussed it (though not as much detail as I would have liked). The surprising idea about it all is that many of my kids have had a similar situation happen to them. Anywhere from Minnesota to Wisconsin. Pretty much in the same detail.

The other half of my class also stated that the video was a racial motivated incident whether overt or obvious.

I also asked them, did they think I was playing favoritism based on race.

They asked me (to my surprise) how could I not.

Another surprise about this, is that after viewing the video. About 20% (or 4 students) of my class actually agreed with putting the child in handcuffs (or wristbands or whatever you want to call them) due to the fact that they believed that the police simply wanted to calm her down.

I also asked a few friends of mine did they view the video. And finally did they agree or disagree.

Another fellow teacher who is also a black male, stated that at first and emphatically that he agreed. That he would have called the police and put her in handcuffs due to the fact that she obviously had not learned consequences for her actions before.

Then he rebutted and said police presence was a good idea, wristbands weren't.

Florida the state? I'm sorry, not a stellar history of civil rights there. (Strikes a political nerve!!)

Race? If little Johnny (the white boy) as quoted to me by one of my not so objective (as if I'm one to talk right?) friends, had acted the same way, he would have simply been having a bad day, and that he has a few problems and that "he's really a good kid."Received a timeout and a phone call home.

The idea of it not making the news? Your right it wouldn't have, because little Johnny would have never been handcuffed.

My points.......as follows

She is a spoiled brat. I can't dispute that.

Her mother is questionable, (God only knows I have seen that same woman in my classroom each and every year and each and every year she swears up and down that I am picking on her kid) in her mothering abilities. I also say questionable, because I try to NOT judge other parents. I have no idea what goes on in their home, and unless they volunteer information, I feel as if I am being intrusive and judgemental at the same time.

I like to think that much of time that I am objective and fair. I have always had friends from all sides of spectrum, when I went away to college, I made friends with people I would hardly ever believe that I would speak to, because they didn't exist in my own world.

However, history does precede ME gentlemen. We have seen this type of situation every year, for hundreds of years. It has always been the same with no change. It has always boiled down to race and what would happen if that same child was white. You know what, many of you would too.

In other words, when most of US see something like this, how can we NOT think it's about race??

It's always been like that before.

It'll be like that next year.

And the year after that.


That "we all get along now?"

It has gotten better. I'll be the first to admit.

And then when I get pulled over in my own neighborhood that I live in, that I pay taxes in, that I plan on sending my own children to school in that's when I regress to the above.

Oh yeah, he just wanted to see where I was on my way to this time of night @ 1a.m.

I drive a white Ford escort ZX3.

No tint, no rims, no stereo.

No, I didn't hire a lawyer or call my local news.


Because that's what we live with daily.

No choice.

The same state that this happened in, has a HISTORY of civil rights violations. (COUGH COUGH GEORGE BUSH) (COUGH COUGH HIDDEN VOTER BOXES IN PREDOMINANTLY BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS)

We have evidence, examples and been made examples of.

That's why I "lean on the race card."

That's what the majority of you (not personally you) have shown us.

I live the "race card."

I get up with the "race card."

I go to sleep with the "race card."

I make love with the "race card."

It's not something I can turn on and off.

I didn't have a choice and if I did, I wouldn't choose to be any other way.

If I offended anyone here, that's fine.

If you choose to "boycott" me based on my replies to this conversation, thats fine then too.

You are just advancing the widespread theory amongst many of us.

As long we nod our heads look down at the ground, agree then we are safe to participate in whatever activities that involve us cooperating with one another.

The instance that we make a viable argument based on facts, history, examples whatever then instantly we "play the race card and leaning on/and or using our race as a crutch."

It's happened before, it'll happen again.


The girl was black, surrounded by three white police officers, who handcuffed her for throwing a temper tantrum, put her in the back seat of a police car for 1/2 hour so she wouldn't hurt herself due to her trashing her school and school property.

Against school rules? Obviously.

Should she have deserved some type of consequence? Definitely.

Is mom making an ass of herself on TV by hiring a lawyer and going public? Possibly? (Depends on how you see it)

Is the punishment harsh? Yes.

Is it deserved? No.

Could it be racially motivated? Yup.

And that's where I stand.

But all in all, I look for education in all things possible, believe it or not I have learned quite a bit here.

Vicious 6-Excellent points.

Mr. Wren, I too extend that courtesy (email me when you have your first child too, see if your perspective has changed any then)

Bruce, I'll take full responsibility for EVERYTHING I have said.........boycott away..............


Steven (black male father and teacher who has keeps the race card as his trump card) Chambers IV.

Or excuse me.

Not favoritism, but being objective?

They still said how could I not........


The minds of children:cool: