Posting new conversation


Mar 8, 2006
I cannot seem to figure out how to post a conversation (so called PM) on this new forum. I want to talk privitely and do not want to give out info. to others that do not needed it. Thanks, Turbo85
what if you don't want to start a conversation, but want to just send someone a message telling them they are a doody head?
what if you don't want to start a conversation, but want to just send someone a message telling them they are a doody head?

Same procedure, you just add "doody head" to the post and then leave it alone....forever.....:D

Geeze, you couldn't figure that out on your own? What a doody head......

Now everyone who reads this needs to start a conversation with navaderick and call him a doody head, that's all, nothing else, just call him a doody head.

I'll start......

(You tee'd it up, I just took the shot.......;))