power plate Question

Damm... Not to put ya down but I have $8500 in mine and I can cover that 11.61..... It doesn't take an arm and a leg to go fast. bishir idea of going fast may be running 12.00 in the 1/4.

Allot of people copied allot of others inventions. ROlex watches and fakes, suites, houses chairs everything. As long as he is not trying to market it as his then I think he should be able to do whatever he wants. I have a NEW RJC plate..am I going to put it on my car? NO! Why? I am going to make one out of 3/8" billit aluminum to serve as a spacer for my upper and I don't want 2 seperate plates on my Intake. I bought the plate and I am not going to use it in it's form that RJC made it. Am I hurting Jason by doing this? No..he already has my money for one...
Originally posted by GNX
An idea=plate. A DESIGN that is COPIED = cheat. Like in " I copied from the other guy in school." Again it's a moral issue. It means something to some and S$%# to others.

It is BREAKING THE LAW if the PP is copywrited. That has to do with DESIGN....not IDEA.....DUH!

As far as Ford, Chrysler, and GM. They didn't and don't have the same DESIGN. And the IDEA for a CAR started long before Henry...DUDES!

I've worked for racing teams and IDEAS may be stolen or "borrowed" but the DESIGN is always a little different...or else "stuff" happens!

Dudes..What the hell is that? I belive Mr. Ford made the first car and the rest followed. Might look diffrent but same conscept.

bishir...as long as you add the egr hole and don't inscribe RJC Racing on it then it is not the same so it is ok...lol..
Steve, Ford didn't make the first car he just perfected a way to build mass quanities of them. Which now everyone does...
Nelly....it's getting Hot in here so take off all your clothes.....


The first pass with the plate my car went 1 mph and just about a tenth quicker. This was about an hour after i took the hemco off and put a pte upper on with the plate. I race the car just about every weekend and i will not be taking it off any time soon. Our track has very few t&t nights so you bracket race or wait in line every other friday night for a few passes. After installing the plate my car went 10.69.4 10.69.4 10.69.5 in three qualifing runs on one saturday. There are quite a few purpose built bracket cars that would like to run that consistant. Thanks jason
thanks James...I was getting worried that we owe everything we earn to Henry Ford and his family because they went out of there way to help us....Man am I relived to here that!
The first car manufacturers in the world were French: Panhard & Levassor (1889) and Peugeot (1891).

HTH :)
More of Two Lane's great knowledge! Man either youshould be on Jepordy or 1 hell of a Internet connection for web searches.
I am one of the folks who attended Bowling Green last year and "felt" the difference in air distribution between power plate on/power plate off. That demonstration alone sold me on the product whether it made me go faster or slower.

I personally find it important to support the vendors (people) who support us. This is for the good of all of us...obviously, some people are a little to self centered to see the big picture.

It might not be illegal to make a copy of the plate for your OWN personal use but, it is morally WRONG IMO.

I have to much personal honor and self respect to simply copy someones work...
I also have to much respect for the people who put in the time and R&D to disrespect them by doing so. To each their own...

By the way, If you think you can buy a piece of aluminum the size of the plate for .50...you've never bought plate aluminum.

The facts are out there...do a search, make your own decision...

As far as a GNX copy...it is only wrong if you claim it IS a GNX.

I'll get off my soap box now and STFU.
Originally posted by Two Lane
The first car manufacturers in the world were French: Panhard & Levassor (1889) and Peugeot (1891).

HTH :)

Mercedes was the first ever! It started in 1886. It is mentioned in every car show that the oldest car company in the world is Mercedes. Oldsmolbile started up in 1897 in North America, which is the oldest here.
"By the way, If you think you can buy a piece of aluminum the size of the plate for .50...you've never bought plate aluminum"

no but about 3 dollars would do it, but the plate is steel so .50 is about right.
First Car Manufacturers//Forzfed

The first car manufacturers in the world were French: Panhard & Levassor (1889) and Peugeot (1891). Car manufacturers = builders of entire motor vehicles for sale and not just engine inventors who experimented with car design to test their engines.

Daimler and Benz began as the latter before becoming full car manufacturers {years later} and made their early money by licensing their patents and selling their engines to car manufacturers.

America's first gasoline-powered commercial car manufacturers were Charles and Frank Duryea. The brothers were bicycle makers who became interested in gasoline engines and automobiles and built their first motor vehicle in 1888, in Springfield, Massachusetts. By 1896, the brothers had sold thirteen cars - the "Stevens-Duryea," an expensive limousine, which remained in production into the 1920s.

Olds began in 1899.

HTH :)
Two Lane you're confusing me!

You could be right, but if you check Mercedes site it states how long it has been around. Not to mention most car mags recognized Mercedes as the oldest. So somewhere there must be some incorrect info.

On March 8, 1886, Daimler took a horse drawn stagecoach (made by Wilhelm Wimpff & Sohn) and adapted it to hold his motorcycle engine, resulting in the world's first four-wheeled gas powered automobile.

The Daimler motor car company ( forerunner of Mercedes ) was not opened until 1890. The business name Mercedes was initiated in 1902.

HTH :)

Originally posted by Two Lane
On March 8, 1886, Daimler took a horse drawn stagecoach (made by Wilhelm Wimpff & Sohn) and adapted it to hold his motorcycle engine, resulting in the world's first four-wheeled gas powered automobile.

The Daimler motor car company ( forerunner of Mercedes ) was not opened until 1890. The business name Mercedes was initiated in 1902.

HTH :)

In 1886, Carl Benz built a motorized tricycle. His first four-wheeler, the Victoria, was built in 1893. The first production car was the 1894 Benz Velo which participated in the first recorded car race, the Paris-Rouen race. In 1895, Benz built his first truck.

In 1886, Gottlieb Daimler literally built a horseless carriage. In 1888 Daimler made a business deal with William Steinway (of piano fame) to produce Daimler's products in the US. From 1904 until a fire in 1907, Steinway produced Mercedes passenger cars, Daimler's light trucks, and his engines on Long Island.

I quess it depends on the definition of the automobile.