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PowerLogger and Windows 7


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Tried this about 8 times and still don't get the drivers/screens as shown. Double checked and I actually have Windows 10 "pro". Does that make any difference?
What about the no data on the SM question?

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Ok found my answer on another post. Looks like I needed to reflash the PL. great product but instructions leave something to be desired. Could have saved me several hours of my Saturday with up to date/complete instructions with the unit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well, if you stop and think about it, any updates in the software versions need the PL to be reflashed. How else would the PL know about the changes?
Well, if you stop and think about it, any updates in the software versions need the PL to be reflashed. How else would the PL know about the changes?
Well maybe, for somebody that works with this kind of stuff regularly that would be intuitive, but for many we just try and follow the provided instructions. Don't get me wrong, I love the PL and all the things Bob does for the TR community. Just saying better instructions would be helpful.
finally had time to mess with power logger again, here' what i get when i connect tic to it with ignition on. thanks for the help.


  • IMG_1604.jpg
    3.3 MB · Views: 139
and this also, i go thru the driver update procedures and it say the best driver is already installed.


  • IMG_1606.jpg
    2.5 MB · Views: 145
the latest PL's (ast 2 years or so) all come with signed drivers, so the update process is not necessary. Instro84, it looks like the driver is all set, just set the port to 3 on the F3 page.

as far as the instructions, yeah, they are out of date. I need to update them.

and this also, i go thru the driver update procedures and it say the best driver is already installed.
Hell don't feel bad , I have a small laptop I got just for the PL. with windows 10. Did the download and could not get it to connect. Car was at Richard Clarks garage and even Clint gave up on it. Guess I'll go with XFI and screw it
Hell don't feel bad , I have a small laptop I got just for the PL. with windows 10. Did the download and could not get it to connect. Car was at Richard Clarks garage and even Clint gave up on it. Guess I'll go with XFI and screw it

Clint never emailed me, but we can certainly get it going.

New laptop, windows 10, older powerlogger? Likely the PL needs to be updated to use signed drivers. That then makes the PL work with all versions of windows.

Hit me up and we can get it set up.

Clint never emailed me, but we can certainly get it going.

New laptop, windows 10, older powerlogger? Likely the PL needs to be updated to use signed drivers. That then makes the PL work with all versions of windows.

Hit me up and we can get it set up.

Sending you a PM
I want to get a powerlogger for my new build but I'm assuming it won't work on a MacBook?
there are ways to run windows on a Mac, something like Wine, or Parallels, I'm not Mac guy, but I know there are guys doing it.
