Problem with new TE-61- Resolved!! Thanks to two GREAT vendors


Wanna-be 10 sec'r
May 25, 2001
Well, my big purchase this year was my new TE-61 purchased from HR-Parts-N-Stuff. I've bought parts from Paul before, and have been very happy with their quality. Paul also happened to be a vendor for Limit Engineering (good pricing too). It arrived 4/8, but i did not have a chance to install it until about a week ago. Well , I let it idle for about 10 min one day, but couldn't get it on the street till the following day. It sounded weird, almost like a small siren, and would not spool at all.
I get it home, and off the car, to find it looks like a couple blades on the compressor have rubbed the housing. Cant tell for sure, but it looks like the shaft might be slightly tweaked!! I have no idea if it was a manufacturer problem, if it was dropped during shipping, or if it was my fault.
I talked to Paul that evening. Paul got me all of the info to get in touch with John Craig, and forwarded an e-mail that I had sent him earlier, to get things in motion for me. Thanks Paul!!
I also talked to some one at Limit that night. I didn't know it until the following day, but it was John. I told him my situation, how I was unsure of what had gone wrong, but that something was not right. He volunteered to send a new TE-61, out to me right away, and for me to reuse the packaging to send the damaged unit back to him!! GREAT customer service.
Well, my new turbo showed up today, and I sent the damaged one back already. I hope to put the new one in before this weeked!!
Just wanted to pass my story along.

I may still owe John a check, if I am resposible for the damage to the turbo. (he never even said anything about this, but if it is my fault, I'll be more that happy to pay for it). I will definitely use these two vendors in the future, as I can't imagine this situation being resolved any easier.

Thank You Paul- HR-Parts-N-Stuff


Thank You John- Limit Engineering

Mike Jones - satisfied customer