You are ABSOLUTELY INSANE if you have kids and do not have some kind of porn filter or blocker on your computer. INSANE!
The average age to view porn is 5 years old. There are 9 year olds addicted to it. NetDog is a good free program. It does HELP, not eliminate, the problem. The best way is to educate your children and teach them right from wrong as someone had posted. If they are determined they will find a way, just try to minimize that exposure. I have a free PopUp stopper also that can be downloaded.
There are websites that change a letter or 2 in a child's website address and they are porn sites. Porn makes more money a year then the NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB combined. It really is the alcoholism/crack of the next generation.
Cell phones are another big item for porn viewing via text messages. As parents we have a BIG responsibility now.
Another thing I do is role play with my kids if someone comes up to them. Never get in a car. Don't trust someone with a badge and no uniform or marked car. Ask them why would an adult ask them where a street is or to find a dog or some BS. I have them yell and scream and curse at me if I am role playing to try to abduct them. They really love that:biggrin:
If you see ANY kid that is screaming "F*^k you, a$$hole, you are not my mother, you are not my father" 99.99% of the people will either do something or call the police. A big thing these cowards do is to say get in the car and you won't get hurt. Make sure your wife or kids know, once they get in the car, they are DEAD. The more noise you make and commotion, the better. Even if they have a gun, the odds are they will not use it and if they do, it is even slimmer that you will get hit and seriously injured.
Unfortunately there are a lot of bad people out there and children and women are becoming more 'sought' after and looked at as objects of pleasure due to the wonderful porn industry.