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Race gas in other 'engines' question


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Lone Wolf
May 24, 2001
So I have two 6 gallon containers in the shed.

1 - 87 octane for the mower, generator, etc
2 - 110 leaded for the GN

The other day we lost power. Wife saw the generator was empty. Went to the shed and FORTUNATELY grabbed the 87 octane container.

I can tell them apart based on what they look like as they are not the same type. I suppose I should label them but am lazy.

Here is my question - will 110 hurt a generator or lawn mower if accidentally put in the tank???


cool thanks for the replies. I figured no O2, no cat....shouldn't hurt but didn't know if it would overheat or anything crazy from the higher octane.
Wife was trying to mow the yard the other day, grabbed my jug of methanol for the alky tank and proceeded to top of the lawn mower. It would run but would not stay running, had to dump it all out and fill it with gas before it would run. I was crying while I dumped it!
cool thanks for the replies. I figured no O2, no cat....shouldn't hurt but didn't know if it would overheat or anything crazy from the higher octane.

The lead will lubricate the valves:D ...and don't forget to add Marvel Mystery Oil when running the 110. Helps keep all rubber hoses, O rings lubed as well as the injectors clean.

Probably wouldn't let high octane fuel sit in a small engine for long. It(118) ate through some stuff on a little 1 cylinder 49cc motor I had on a bike.

Run it out before you put away. ;)