So I have two 6 gallon containers in the shed.
1 - 87 octane for the mower, generator, etc
2 - 110 leaded for the GN
The other day we lost power. Wife saw the generator was empty. Went to the shed and FORTUNATELY grabbed the 87 octane container.
I can tell them apart based on what they look like as they are not the same type. I suppose I should label them but am lazy.
Here is my question - will 110 hurt a generator or lawn mower if accidentally put in the tank???
1 - 87 octane for the mower, generator, etc
2 - 110 leaded for the GN
The other day we lost power. Wife saw the generator was empty. Went to the shed and FORTUNATELY grabbed the 87 octane container.
I can tell them apart based on what they look like as they are not the same type. I suppose I should label them but am lazy.
Here is my question - will 110 hurt a generator or lawn mower if accidentally put in the tank???