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Raced a Suzuki GSXR750


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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2004
So I'm driving to work this morning at around 5:20 cruising at about 70 mph in the left lane. I'm casually passing the slower cars in the right lanes. I passed this Gixxer 750 and didn't think nothing of it. Then I see him move to his right lane to pass a couple of slower cars in front of him to keep up with me. He gets into the right lane next to me, and he kept looking at me. Then I realized it's my friend from work on the bike!

He then rolled into the throttle and gets about a bike and a half in front. Thats when I eased into the gas, and it was on! We were both totally in it WOT. I was expecting him to pull away from me but didn't. That's when I started pulling on him and his front wheel was at my door. A car ahead was coming up fast so we shut it down. I think I could've pulled on him more but we were going plenty fast. I don't know how fast we were going....damn 85 mph speedo.:rolleyes:

Later in the morning when I was at work he texted me....
"F*ck your car is fast!"

I texted him back "how fast were we going?" ....he said 145!:eek: I also talked to another friend of mine that works with him. He told him the whole story as well and said that he was totally bottomed out on the throttle and I was just pulling away from him. I guess he wasn't expecting that, and neither was I.

A little info on his bike...I think it's an '07 or '08 GSX-R750 that has an aftermarket exhaust and an upgraded computer tune, or something like that. According to my Greddy boost controller I hit a peak boost of 27.8 psi and 1.2 degrees of knock at 120 mph on the Scanmaster...probably a little false knock (I think). Thank god for the alky! I'm just glad I didn't blow anything up or even worse, get pulled over.
the fact that a car with the aerodynamics of a g-body can even do 145 is amazing in and of itself.

good kill!
the fact that a car with the aerodynamics of a g-body can even do 145 is amazing in and of itself.

good kill!

Had my 'T' up to 154mph until the front end started 'lifting' a lil!!:eek: Scared the bejesus out of me........;) Great kill btw!!

the fact that a car with the aerodynamics of a g-body can even do 145 is amazing in and of itself.

good kill!

Probably wasnt quite that fast, bike speedos are off at higher speeds unless he has a speedo healer. My zx-14's speedo was buried past 200 when I hit the speed limiter which kicks at 187. I would probably guess around 130 or so. Either way it's fast in a brick! And an awesome kill, gotta love eating up sport bikes!
That's just about the only advantage of a Turbo Trans am. They don't get "weird" at high speed.
Probably wasnt quite that fast, bike speedos are off at higher speeds unless he has a speedo healer.

That's what I was thinking, although I have no idea what a speedo healer is. I think his bike has the digital speedo. Honestly it didn't really feel like we were doing 145, felt slower than that.
A couple of weeks ago I went out for a cruise before heading out of town for a couple of weeks for work. I ran into two street bikes, each of which had a girlfriend on the back. I pulled up to them glanced at the driver and rolled into the throttle. The first guy bit and took off with me. He stayed right behind my quarter panel. I charged to about 65 mph (I think we were in a 50 zone) and let off because we quickly approaching stopped vehicles at a red light.

It was a really nice night and I had my windows down. Well the other bike didn't like what happened apparntly. He came right up my door (keep in mind were about 200 feet from stopped traffic) and dropped down about 2 or 3 gears letting the bike scream at me. I'm like seriously dude where do you think we're gonna go? I just smiled at him though...waiting patiently. Well his buddy came up next to him and I heard him yell "dude that car is don't want to mess with it".

I guess they musta been 600cc bikes because even with a rider I would expect a 750 or liter bike to anihilate me. It was still really fun...I'm actually really glad the second bike didn't try me because about 3 or 4 miles later I noticed that I was having shift issues...wouldn't shift at the top of 2nd then at both 1st and 2nd...yeah hopefully I just threw the governor spring...gotta tear the tranny apart and have a look see.
ya some of thoes bikes are just noise like a cousin has a ninja wit some work done and we went from a roll(about 65) and my stock t-type pulled hit by about a car... we stayed in it for a good mile(he was tryin to catch up) we stoped so i could let the car cool down and he was like "wow i knew these cars were fast but not like that" he said we got up to about 125
ya some of thoes bikes are just noise like a cousin has a ninja wit some work done and we went from a roll(about 65) and my stock t-type pulled hit by about a car... we stayed in it for a good mile(he was tryin to catch up) we stoped so i could let the car cool down and he was like "wow i knew these cars were fast but not like that" he said we got up to about 125

wow you guys where in it WOT:eek: for a mile and only got to 125 :cool: must have been racing in reverse :biggrin:
Lol, I'm just glad my friend didn't have an 1100...he would've walked away from me for sure.
Lol, I'm just glad my friend didn't have an 1100...he would've walked away from me for sure.

probably not a newer 1100 no way , but im runnin pretty close to the same as you and a 94' 1100 ninja from a 50mph roll we were side by side till about 125 with 3 people in my car a slipping 2-3 flare on the tranny and he couldnt go faster than my door, we were amazed.... if i had a taller tire and tranny werent slippin, and me only in the car, i do believe id pulled him a little. been interesting from dead stop he may have gotten me though his bike was a stock no mods 1100...:rolleyes:

Id just finished racing a gn that id barely beat, and he wound up racing the bike from a dead stop on our way back home it looked neck and neck but the gn may have got him in the end i dont know as we all were on our way back home.....I havent heard from either of them.
the fact that a car with the aerodynamics of a g-body can even do 145 is amazing in and of itself.

good kill!

Good kill and I've been out there a couple of times on a safe road and 142-145 is the limit because it lifts off the ground there.

I'm not going back there again though.
