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Radio control lights


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Nov 9, 2007
At one point my steering wheel radio contorls lit up but would sometimes flicker then go out. Now they continue to opeate all radio functions properly but do not light up at all. Have the wheel off to be recovered and wanted to trouble shoot the lights. Also, sometimes when I turn sharply the radio station will change (like the preset button was pressed), any ideas?
BTW, had Don Le at Dallas Custom Steering Wheel do the wheel. Awesome job!
The wheel has a reluctor ring it spins on to pass the information from the controls down the steering column. I would suspect dirt/grit/grime being on the contact surfaces.

If you have the steering wheel of the car, underneath the wheel you'll see the contacts.. those have to get cleaned off. If the contacts are clean.. then next is issue with the controls themselves. But a new controller wont fix dirty contacts.

Thanks for the reply. Under the wheel is a black plastic loose fitting ring with cut outs for the connectors. I assume that the contacts that you speak of are under this ring. It appears loose but very thin and brittle. Do I need to remove this ring and if so how with damaging it?
With total honesty, its been so long since i've messed with the steering wheel I cant remember. I know I went through this when I had to change out my Ignition lock due to broken VATS wire on it. Obviously something is not making contact properly.. you need to dig and figure it out.