I have a stock turbo, IC, and injectors (for now) in my 87GN. Can I run a red's 108 chip with 94 octane and an SMC kit? Or is that too much?
Just want to be a bit quicker on the street.
Also, I know there is not simple answer to this question but how long does a bottle of alky in an SMC tank reeeaaalllllyyyy last?
I have a fear that I will be refilling the bottle every day when I cruise for 50 miles around town, punchint it every now and again.
Just want to be a bit quicker on the street.
Also, I know there is not simple answer to this question but how long does a bottle of alky in an SMC tank reeeaaalllllyyyy last?
I have a fear that I will be refilling the bottle every day when I cruise for 50 miles around town, punchint it every now and again.