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ROLL CALL 2014 TAI GS Nationals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Mike Bernard, aka SpoolFool has not only stepped up and donated an item to the TAI class but is also sending $100.00 in cash to " cover the first round of drinks" for those of us attending Thursdays dinner !!!
He is sending the package to my house for me to deliver to BG. I cant wait to see the "item" he has donated!!!!!! Mike will not be able to attend BG but he requested that we get tons of pictures for him so everyone needs to keep this in mind .

Please take time to thank Mike for his generosity
Thanks Bryan for setting this up.:)
Here's what I'm sending to Bryan for the event.

Thursday night, first round is on Spoolfool. Drinks or horderves. I included some stickers and about 35 fun meter pins. If the Thursday night doesn't go well for you, simply adjust your fun meter down to "MIN" and blame it all on Bryan for setting this stupid thing up. If you find yourself having a blast, then swing the needle to "MAX" and raise a glass to The Fool. :D (Spoolfool that is).:D

For the drawing, I snuck out a prototype, one piece rear spoiler that is still in the development stage. You guys will be the first to see it. Let me know what you think of it.

Thanks for letting me be a part of this. Have fun and post up some pics.:)

Mike Barnard

Been gettin ready and helpin out Cruz, SEE YA REAL SOON!!!

Thanks again for all that you DO!!!!

Wish you could be there to see for yourself how much FUN WE REALLY DO HAVE!!!!
The problem is JD is already in the staging lanes and there's no racing going on....... He's just sitting in his car with his helmet on backwards with a big smile on his face that no one can see
That is very cool and nice of you to throw in spoolfool, your prototype looks awesome.
I'm sure you'll be getting alot of requests for those one piece rear spoilers, how many man hours does it take you to make each one of them?

Wished i could also at least been able to see all the fun going on at BG, but this thing called college and being quite a ways away from BG makes that not possible for me to see.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Yeah but the cost to get to BG and back to el paso tx even if school wasnt a factor is more than i have left in the bank account.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Due to some unfortunate problems with the trans and work this weekend has killed me at the moment I will be not making the trip to Bg..I'm just not gonna rush to the last minute...I have only had 4 hrs sleep this weekend
Dude I know the feeling...maybe something will turn around and your issue will get resolved. BG will not be the same without you. Good luck bro

Due to some unfortunate problems with the trans and work this weekend has killed me at the moment I will be not making the trip to Bg..I'm just not gonna rush to the last minute...I have only had 4 hrs sleep this weekend

That sucks, I know the feeling. Anyways, my downpipe is part of my front suspension, so now I have to swap the taller upper ball joints I just put in for regular ones and see if it gives me clearance.
Due to some unfortunate problems with the trans and work this weekend has killed me at the moment I will be not making the trip to Bg..I'm just not gonna rush to the last minute...I have only had 4 hrs sleep this weekend

Don't give up yet man... Just get a good nights sleep tonight and I'll help you anyway I can.. Were not leaving for 3 days....
Dang JD that's one down, sorry Pat . Me and Bob had the motor out of both cars one time with 3 days to go till BG AND MADE IT SO DON'T GIVE UP PAT.