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So I Went To The Post(al) Office Today...


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Daily Driver
May 25, 2001
Mid-afternoon nobody around, parking lot safe and empty, two people inside one clerk and someone filling out paperwork for a bunch of packages. Me I've got a money order to cash...

Had my wallet ready with ID and my $93.35 money order and the lady at the counter goes I'm not sure I can cash that.... I go to myself WTF? o_O

They only allow us $100 in the drawer she tells me, and I say but you sell money orders for up to $1000, shouldn't you be able to cash them? Blank stare and the answer is.... Nope!

Luckily, for her that is, she had the money to cash mine...... barely... :p

Next week is Walmart Pharmacy Wednesday, that's always an adventure with the Buick. :cool:

And yes I know you can deposit them at your bank I wanted the cash to save a trip to my bank to get cash. :rolleyes:
Mid-afternoon nobody around, parking lot safe and empty, two people inside one clerk and someone filling out paperwork for a bunch of packages. Me I've got a money order to cash...

Had my wallet ready with ID and my $93.35 money order and the lady at the counter goes I'm not sure I can cash that.... I go to myself WTF? o_O

They only allow us $100 in the drawer she tells me, and I say but you sell money orders for up to $1000, shouldn't you be able to cash them? Blank stare and the answer is.... Nope!

Luckily, for her that is, she had the money to cash mine...... barely... :p

Next week is Walmart Pharmacy Wednesday, that's always an adventure with the Buick. :cool:

Mid-afternoon nobody around, parking lot safe and empty, two people inside one clerk and someone filling out paperwork for a bunch of packages. Me I've got a money order to cash...

Had my wallet ready with ID and my $93.35 money order and the lady at the counter goes I'm not sure I can cash that.... I go to myself WTF? o_O

They only allow us $100 in the drawer she tells me, and I say but you sell money orders for up to $1000, shouldn't you be able to cash them? Blank stare and the answer is.... Nope!

Luckily, for her that is, she had the money to cash mine...... barely... :p

Next week is Walmart Pharmacy Wednesday, that's always an adventure with the Buick. :cool:

And yes I know you can deposit them at your bank I wanted the cash to save a trip to my bank to get cash. :rolleyes:

And yes I know you can deposit them at your bank I wanted the cash to save a trip to my bank to get cash.

Wait, WTF? You needed the cash that bad?
Gave folks that just want/need you to move on, go away?

Need? No, I was just amazed they couldn't cash a money order for the maximum amount they allow it to be purchased with, a grand $1000 ..... in cash only.

Not sure I understand your second sentence? :p
That's about as bad as Bank Of America. They wouldn't cash a check because i didn't have a lot of money in my account. Not that i needed to but i told them BOFA was a second bank for me and i don't keep a lot in this acct. Not sure why that mattered but whatever. I closed the acct when i was there.
that sucks... I guess they require you to have enough in the account to cover the check
That's about as bad as Bank Of America. They wouldn't cash a check because i didn't have a lot of money in my account. Not that i needed to but i told them BOFA was a second bank for me and i don't keep a lot in this acct. Not sure why that mattered but whatever. I closed the acct when i was there.
You're right about BOA , my personal opinion they Suck !! . I had a similar incident with them about 3years ago. I had a car finance through them @ a great rate, I made my monthly payments in person at local branch , because I applied extra payment toward the principal , this method seems to work best for me cause it enable me to keep better records...Plus save a stamp.. I don't pay bills on line Old Fashion.. One day. I went into BOA to make a payment and also I had a check for $150.00 to just cash. I figure I would knock out two birds in one swing. WRONG.. BOA is not my primary bank I just have a car loan through them. After I made car payment , I said to the teller I need to cash this check now. She reply I can't cash check because you don't have an checking account, I said a car you finance doesn't count as an account. NOPE.. I was piss... I asked teller to return my payment check that I just made payment with ..please give it back to me.. She did I torn it in half. And asked for the payoff , I wrote another check paid off balance and walked the Hell out of BOA and never been back
You're right about BOA , my personal opinion they Suck !! . I had a similar incident with them about 3years ago. I had a car finance through them @ a great rate, I made my monthly payments in person at local branch , because I applied extra payment toward the principal , this method seems to work best for me cause it enable me to keep better records...Plus save a stamp.. I don't pay bills on line Old Fashion.. One day. I went into BOA to make a payment and also I had a check for $150.00 to just cash. I figure I would knock out two birds in one swing. WRONG.. BOA is not my primary bank I just have a car loan through them. After I made car payment , I said to the teller I need to cash this check now. She reply I can't cash check because you don't have an checking account, I said a car you finance doesn't count as an account. NOPE.. I was piss... I asked teller to return my payment check that I just made payment with ..please give it back to me.. She did I torn it in half. And asked for the payoff , I wrote another check paid off balance and walked the Hell out of BOA and never been back

Its a tossup as to who's the worst bank, BOA, Wells Fargo or Chase. Remember a few years ago WF got in deep crap for having their employees create fake accounts from their existing customers. They just settled and paid a 3 billion dollar fine to make the criminal and other charges go away and no one goes to jail. JMHO but that pos jamie diamond should be wearing an orange jumpsuit right next to hitlery. Justice certainly is blind. (n):poop::poop::poop:
OOOOh god they are all the same Wachovia screwed me over ... keep your money in your pocket LOL.. or your green tights :ROFLMAO:
OOOOh god they are all the same Wachovia screwed me over ... keep your money in your pocket LOL.. or your green tights :ROFLMAO:

Yeah, ain't that the truth. The banking cartel is the worst of the criminal organizations. With this next depression that will hit they will do a bail-in, its the law. Did you know when you put money in the bank it legally becomes theirs. Ever since they did away with Glass-Steagall and replaced with Dodd-Frank act and put the Federal Reserve in charge and regulating Wall St its been a free for all, for the elites to make trillions.
got mine in an ole tool box ... next to the iron door in the Wichita mountains :p
got mine in an ole tool box ... next to the iron door in the Wichita mountains :p

What are the odds, I'm going to OK on vacation next week, can you be more specific on the location of that toolbox if there's a breakdown. Thanks in advance. ;)
look it up ..its an ole folk lore in the whichitas... we use to go search for it ...the iron door LOL
you can also go visit Geronimo's grave a real American lawton FT. Sill
look it up ..its an ole folk lore in the whichitas... we use to go search for it ...the iron door LOL

Just think of all the loot that's been lost, buried or forgotten about out west. I'd love to ATV a bunch of these places with a metal detector and do a little panning for gold. Always that slim chance of finding that big nugget like in the movie "Pale Rider"
Geronimo, isn't he buried right under General John "Black Jack" Pershing? o_O
Just shove all you're cash money underneath your mattresses, boys.

See how that works out for all y'all.....