So...who own(ed) that GN?

The street pictured is actually aprox 5 lanes wide in the area where they race the part they showed is where everyone parks and theres no side streets.......The night it happened my buddy with the T/A bugged and bugged me for a rematchwe left came back then parked... 45 minutes later when we were leaving a charger cut off traffic about half mile away from where we raced pulled me over and threw me in the back of the cop car... He let me go gave me a ticket and when the flat bed pulled up it had my buddies car on the back of it and hooked my car and towed it away......
Heres the other report The sheriff that took it says ill be able to get it back and im gonna fight for it but who knows ...The guy i got my car from is no longer with us and was a friend so it has plenty of sentimental value to me ive had it damn near 10 years.... If i gotta get it at the auction i will.... For those that say seizing the racers car is ok we got a whole forum here about people that line up and get em on right quick on the street, on the way to work,etc etc and most everyone encourages them!!!!!! Like i said earlier ive raced my car maybe twice this year...I go to the races all the time AND WATCH.....I think impound fees court fines and the ticket are enough... Unless you are a repeat offender or are out doin donuts and acting like an idiot !!!!
The street pictured is actually aprox 5 lanes wide in the area where they race the part they showed is where everyone parks and theres no side streets.......The night it happened my buddy with the T/A bugged and bugged me for a rematch we lined up did out thing and then parked... 45 minutes later when we were leaving a charger cut off traffic about half mile away from where we raced pulled me over and threw me in the back of the cop car... He let me go gave me a ticket and when the flat bed pulled up it had my buddies car on the back of it and hooked my car and towed it away......

you do realize that if you are going to try to convince a judge/sheriff/whoever that you were only a spectator that it might not be a wise thing to post up that you "did our thing and then parked" on an internet site that gets a lot of traffic, right?
You pulled a bonehead move and then bitch because you got in trouble?o_O Granted, we used to block off an access road down here and drag but this was out in the country and nothing was out there at the time. The freeway was higher by 20 yards and the cops really didn't bother us. Would I do it now? Hell no! If you're dumb enough to even go to a street race you're asking for trouble. It's just like walking into a crack house and not expecting to be busted along with the dope heads in it.:confused: Sorry you lost your car but you're better off with this than having it stolen at least.;)
I thought derrik about that after i wrote it but im not gonna try to convince them i was spectating the officer that got me asked me if i beat the pontiac i told him no when i was sitting in his backseat wearing chrome Bracelets so he obviously saw what thought was going on...we didnt even do burnouts or anything so idk.....But thx for the pointer.....
You pulled a bonehead move and then bitch because you got in trouble?o_O Granted, we used to block off an access road down here and drag but this was out in the country and nothing was out there at the time. The freeway was higher by 20 yards and the cops really didn't bother us. Would I do it now? Hell no! If you're dumb enough to even go to a street race you're asking for trouble. It's just like walking into a crack house and not expecting to be busted along with the dope heads in it.:confused: Sorry you lost your car but you're better off with this than having it stolen at least.;)
Charlie im not bitchin too much and you guys know im far from an idiot, but my prob is this, theres been guys were racing that ran from the cops got caught paid the fine and got their car back a week later...guys doin far more dangerous things with waay faster cars that what we have and they got their cars back within a week..

Im not out spinning donuts in front of a crowd driving like an idiot or racing with 100 people standing on either side flying past side streets or racing a 8sec car with no headlights or legal tags in someone elses name brought by trailer on the streeet etc we arent dealing drugs or shooting anyone either......
Its been a month almost and they just got the paperwork last thurs when i first called the ph # on the seizure paper the officer gave me it told you to leave a message with your vin# and to bring in $1800 and you could talk to the prosecutor to get your vehicle back.......
I call no call back and when i call 2 weeks later the message is changed...Call to appear on the ticket and they still dont have the paperwork......

Do i deserve to pay a fat ass fine and impound fees yup do i deserve to lose my GN and be treated the same as those mentioned above on a first time offense on woodward cruise weekend? I think not....
you broke the law.. you got busted for it.
racing is racing- take it to the track.. and if there isn't a track around and you just must do it, then go as far out into the country as is feasible and do it there. doing stuff like this in a city is just asking for trouble.
you broke the law.. you got busted for it.
racing is racing- take it to the track.. and if there isn't a track around and you just must do it, then go as far out into the country as is feasible and do it there. doing stuff like this in a city is just asking for trouble.
I've got to agree with Deriik here. Any of the car guys from the DFW area knew about the miller brewery races in the 80's and they were just out of range of the city cops back then.:D Right across the highway to be exact.;) The cops would come and watch but couldn't touch us until the sherrifs showed up and asked for help. To do that now you'd need to really get out in the country close to where I live now and then it would be a crap shoot. You might get away with it in some places out in West Texas but it's just to dangerous in a city or where people live. Much better to take it to the track where you'd be safe and not take the chance of hurting someone other than the drivers.
Here come the holier than thou folks that have NEVER street raced. :rolleyes:

I don't condone it, and have only done it 2-3 times from stoplights, never at an "organized" event like that, but you've got to be kidding me that you think they should seize spectator's cars.
Here come the holier than thou folks that have NEVER street raced. :rolleyes:

I don't condone it, and have only done it 2-3 times from stoplights, never at an "organized" event like that, but you've got to be kidding me that you think they should seize spectator's cars.
Not exactly "holier" but older. 25 years ago you were actually safer on the streets than you are now. I used to ride a bike and even though I live in the country now I wouldn't even think about it. There's just to much traffic out there now. If you were out in the country where there was almost no traffic or people it would be safer, but not smart.
A state cop in Dearborn seized my GN 12 years ago under the Wayne county nuisance ordinance, same thing they popped you on. I goosed it off the light with a vette on telegraph up to 60 mph, he seized both of us. 5k to the county, $20 a day storage for 2 plus months to martins towing.

The county only takes cash no checks or credit cards.
Here come the holier than thou folks that have NEVER street raced. :rolleyes:

I don't condone it, and have only done it 2-3 times from stoplights, never at an "organized" event like that, but you've got to be kidding me that you think they should seize spectator's cars.

never on a big street in a big city with lots of spectators..
Seize the racer's cars, maybe ticket spectators, might fit the issue more.

Wonder if you are a spectator and you live on that street and watching from your steps, what happens then? Do they seize your home lol.

The car impounded is just a way to raise the chances you'll show up for your court date....

They pulled that crap here, too. A guy was having a cookout. Lots of cars there. 2 guys had a grudge race. Neighbor called, cops showed w/ wreckers, rollbacks. EVERY car was towed.
The damn lawyers loved it! They had jobs, the judge had "perps", the court and the lawyers got paid!! Story over.:mad:
The cops have to clean up the mess whenever a street race goes bad. They don't appreciate it one bit,especially if it involves an innocent bystander/driver. It more often than not does.

THAT is the first problem, but that is their problem.

You got caught. THAT is the second problem, but this one is YOUR problem. You need to take ownership of it and quit sniveling about how unfair it all is.

You and all the other racers thought the same thing, "They won't catch ME". But they did. And now you have to pay the piper.

It sucks, but it is what it is.

It's the chance you take when you race on the street.

Well, that and injuring or killing yourself and/or someone else. But that's just a secondary thought, right?
Moral of the story....if you lived in Texas 25 years ago it was safe and OK to street race. Not safe and not OK if you live in michgan.
Charlie, you say it was safe and OK back then because you were young. Now you are old and know it is/was a bad idea. It was no safer back then than it is now. Side road in the country or neighborhood street wreck anywhere.

Sorry to hear guy got his stuff taken away. Good luck getting it back.
Charlie, you say it was safe and OK back then because you were young. Now you are old and know it is/was a bad idea. It was no safer back then than it is now. Side road in the country or neighborhood street wreck anywhere.
We had paramedics and meat wagons on hand as well as volunteer firemen there and while we didn't have rails on the road no one was allowed on the sides except for the end to see who won.;) It was one of those things that the cops allowed back then because it didn't involve a lot of dope or dopes.:D There were several strips back then in the area and one had such a bad rep that it really wasn't safe without an armed escort.:( That particular track has been closed down and opened up so many times I can't believe it's still in operation but it is.o_O
our local track is 2 states away in a few directions and a minimum of 2 hours ride.lebanon valley ny is 100 miles and 2 hours from here. epping nh is 3 hours away and about 150 miles. englishtown nj is about 2 hours 45 minutes and about 150 miles. i wish our track was only a hour away. we also have street racing here and its now a felony if caught and they take your car.

they have been trying to get a track open somewhere in the state for over 20 years now and i dont think its ever gonna happen.

i hope you get your car back because i'm sure we all have done what you did!!!