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Solenoid Valves for water/alky


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New Member
Nov 29, 2002
I've been doing a fair amount of research towards a DIY water/alky setup and am still undecided on the solenoid valves and nozzles. I have decided on the pump and overall design. I know some of you are using NOS solenoids but I don't know if you're using Nitrous or Fuel solenoids. Can you use either? I've also looked at a bewildering assortment of industrial solenoids. Any suggestions/advise would be appreciated.
I use the alchohol fuel NOS solenoid. About $120.

Only been on the car a few months so I have no clue what the water/denatured mix will do to it over time.

Not much use at it's cut in point of 17psi. in the winter either. :D

Most people use the SMC kit which has no solenoids.

I still use the SMC kit nozzles available also from McMaster Carr.
Originally posted by R-R
I've been doing a fair amount of research towards a DIY water/alky setup and am still undecided on the solenoid valves and nozzles. I have decided on the pump and overall design. I know some of you are using NOS solenoids but I don't know if you're using Nitrous or Fuel solenoids. Can you use either? I've also looked at a bewildering assortment of industrial solenoids. Any suggestions/advise would be appreciated.

If you're using a pump, why do you need a solenoid? Pump comes on at a certain boost level, sprays, shuts off. No solenoid needed. I use a pressurized system which has alcohol up against the solenoid all the time, so the hobbs switch opens the solenoid (NOS solenoid, about $80) and it sprays. Boost drops, it shuts off.
Speaking of hobbs switches, I have a stock fuel pump that I want to destroy with some isopropyl DIY setup. Where's a good source for hobbs switches?
There's a guy selling the Hobbs on ebay for $13 new in package. Apparently he has a lot of them.
Water Alky Solenoid Valves

Best compact solenoids are the Aquamist versions. Cheap too - $50.

you can call brad at Georges Imports, or

Tell him Denis sent you.
Solenoid valve p/n 32K5DGV-12VDC $28.75 is what I use, and it works flawlessly. get it from poweraire.

I've heard from several others besides YELLOW95 that use the Poweraire solenoid valves successfully. I think I'll order a couple.