Some people do not deserve to breath air.

An RC model airplane and a 6oz wad of C-4 should do it!

These 2 dirtbags need to be lined up w/ the 2 from Hickory, NC, and shot....
There has to be some kind of history there that is not being told....

i have to agree with you BUT If it was me i would let go of what ever BS grudge. and i certainly would never extend a grudge to a 7 year old girl healthy or not.

I am so sorry i fell on you with my chainsaw but its just a Halloween prank.

Come Halloween night them people better not be home or they better have police protection as some know Halloween night is always a good night to settle scores.
Remember the

old trik w/ the dog turds in the burning paper sack???

One small change: This time, the burning sack contains an IED w/ a pressure trigger!!:eek::cool:
There has to be some kind of history there that is not being told....

Well it seems that what started all this was.

The family was having a Halloween party for their kids and had invited some of their kids friends over but didn't invite the kids of that family over.

The parents sent an email to them asking if their kids could come over to the party and the response to that email was slow and that was what made them mad at that family.:rolleyes:

I very rarely read my emails so they would really hate me if they expected an immediate response,especially if i had a Halloween party going on at that time. ;)
Someone should get a rusty AIDS filled needle and jamb it in her neck. What a piece of shyt. I hope she falls into a wood chipper feet first, and her husband trys to save her. :mad:
I coulda sworn I saw the husband mouth the words "someone please save me"...:p

This is the kind of runoff that gets people thinking, the hell with the First Amendment! :biggrin: I feel bad for the cops who will inevitably be assigned to protect her from harm once the threats get serious...what a world.
A year later and still at it.:mad: Someone should beat that moron with a rake. The kid is dying and she's still making fun of her. What the hell is wrong with people?
Petkovs' Neighbor Tells Trenton Police: ?I Can?t Take It Anymore? - Trenton, MI Patch

It would almost be worth it for somebody to put that bitch in the hospital just to shut her up so that little girl and her family can have some peace. Everybody in the neighborhood should start a pool of money to pay for bail, lawyer fees, etc. and find somebody willing to take care of that cold hearted bitch. Anyone who stepped up would be looked at as a hero.
That is absolutely unbelieveable!!! I'm SPEECHLESS! And I thought I'd heard of everything......this sick vermin comes around and pulls this stunt....I'm just...ah, geez, this makes me so damn angry. The epitomy of cruelty....if that were my daughter and this scum pulled this I would....ah, hell, I just don't know what else to say, it's the saddest thing I've ever seen. Looking at that precious little just made me cry.....God, what a world....

Bruce '87 Grand National
Everybody in the neighborhood should start a pool of money to pay for bail, lawyer fees, etc. and find somebody willing to take care of that cold hearted bitch.

don't know how it's done these days but Y'know, that's how we used to take care of business round here. Kept people honest when they were well aware that there was only so much their 'neighbors' would tolerate! I recall being a party to things from guys getting their due for women with black eye's to running interferance with management at a job til a Monday morning arraignment when the pool money/bail could be posted so a Good Man wouldn't get wrote up or face losing his job for doing the right thing. Back in the day before 'domestic violence' or just being an a-hole was something for the police to deal with.

What happened to the days when WE took care of our own instead of tolerating it and waiting for those who have their hands tied by statutes to clean up in the aftermath???
A year later and still at it.:mad: Someone should beat that moron with a rake. The kid is dying and she's still making fun of her. What the hell is wrong with people?
Petkovs' Neighbor Tells Trenton Police: ?I Can?t Take It Anymore? - Trenton, MI Patch

They live about 15 min away from me & according to the local paper this has been going on since 2008. She also tried running over another neighbor that was visiting & has a court order to not be within 500 foot of them (which means she cannot go to her own house LOL).
So after all of that & she still cannot leave them alone maybe they will lock the crazy b*t*h up.
Someone give her a vacation to Florida and I'll put her with the psycho that ran over my son. Still have the 1200 acres and tractor in Nowhereville, FL.
