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Stall converter size?


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If it's working for you then leave it alone for now Matt. I'd wait until it takes a crap and start doing research now on which one you want to go with next.
Is it rated at 3000 or does it stall at 3000
That's just what
I was thinking...stand on the brakes and give it gas (don't forget to watch the tach)until the rear tires brake loose..that's your stall...well it'll be close.

I had a Pats 12" 2800 stall in the 86...basical a rework stock D5.
That's a No. [/QUOTE
then it must be rated at 3000. im not a trans guy so i really dont know much on this stuff. i am more of a body guy/restoration guy. most of you dont know but i have actually restored a few cars. all have won awards. :cool:
All you need to find out, Is eyeballs and a tach in your car. left foot on the brake and right on the accelerator, and watch it.