State Of Emergency Never Ending?

guess thats the sign of the times... LOL...Comedy Central ...IDK..maybe the kids don't actually hear whats being said..but hell we were looking at playboys and hustlers when we were like 9-10yrs old and watching Porky's ..LOL..I was almost crying when I saw that one ... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :p

Yeah, I'm thinking like you said they can't hear what's being said. Wow, you were a late bloomer. :LOL:
Here's a timeline from the CDC on diseases they have responded to. Everything from Rubella, Ebola, HIV, small pox, meningitis, tuberculosis, asian flu, H1N1, samonella, anthrax, zika, polio, malaria, rabies, typhus, cholera and a bunch more since the late 1940s. Every administration has had to deal with infections or outbreaks of diseases. There was no way this administration wasn't going to have to deal with at least one outbreak of some kind of disease. This administration was warned as far back as November 2019 that the Corona virus was coming. Stop looking for stupid excuses for this administrations lack of preparedness.
Here's a timeline from the CDC on diseases they have responded to. Everything from Rubella, Ebola, HIV, small pox, meningitis, tuberculosis, asian flu, H1N1, samonella, anthrax, zika, polio, malaria, rabies, typhus, cholera and a bunch more since the late 1940s. Every administration has had to deal with infections or outbreaks of diseases. There was no way this administration wasn't going to have to deal with at least one outbreak of some kind of disease. This administration was warned as far back as November 2019 that the Corona virus was coming. Stop looking for stupid excuses for this administrations lack of preparedness.
What's your take on the movie?
I never saw that movie. All I know are the facts show some kind of disease will pop up every couple of years that has the potential to get out of hand and spread. I've been shown that in lectures for 30 years. The faster they can be responded to the less people that die. Simple.
Just think, if hitlery had been elected we'd of had nothing but lollipops and unicorn farts. The msm would be shouting, "So what if 5 million people died, hitlery is presidente In "fact" this wouldn't even be a blip on the radar screen. Dr. Shiva to replace that worthless Dr. Fonzie would be an awesome start.
Does anyone else remember the economy be destroy over anything else.
I never saw that movie. All I know are the facts show some kind of disease will pop up every couple of years that has the potential to get out of hand and spread. I've been shown that in lectures for 30 years. The faster they can be responded to the less people that die. Simple.
I have only seen clips of the movie, but found the mentions of the words "Corona virus" and "social distancing" interesting in this 2011 movie. Just maybe Hollywood was aware in 2011. We could have started planning something in 2011 or even 2015?
I'm sure anyone that lost a loved one will remember that long before any economic issues.
I have only seen clips of the movie, but found the mentions of the words "Corona virus" and "social distancing" interesting in this 2011 movie. Just maybe Hollywood was aware in 2011. We could have started planning something in 2011 or even 2015?
Since there are at least 7 versions of Corona and it was first identified in the 1960s, Corona virus mentioned in a movie from 2011 is not big whoop. Yes, by all means we should have been more prepared for an epidemic. All administrations from 2003 SARS have had to deal with something and still haven't done enough. Taiwan learned it's lesson in 2003 from how fast SARS went through their country. They got serious about preparing for infections. Because they were prepared and had a real plan, their cases have been pretty low ~ 400 in a country of 24 million. In comparison NH has about 1020 cases and a population of 1.36 million and we are doing pretty well for New England. If we were as prepared to handle this epidemic as they were we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Just think, if hitlery had been elected we'd of had nothing but lollipops and unicorn farts. The msm would be shouting, "So what if 5 million people died, hitlery is presidente In "fact" this wouldn't even be a blip on the radar screen. Dr. Shiva to replace that worthless Dr. Fonzie would be an awesome start.
Does anyone else remember the economy be destroy over anything else.

Dr Flip Flop is at it again.

That's right. They don't have all the testing we need. The antibody test alone is not reliable and they don't have anywhere near enough. No vaccinations for at least a year. Educate yourself for a change.
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Thank God Dr Flip Flop isn't in charge. If he was...there'd be nothing left to open.

Ain't that the truth. According to Dr. Fonzie Strange-Love we could save 38,000 lives a year if we just got rid of those damn motor vehicles (except for elitists like himself). Yup, save 38k but lose millions through starvation because food production and shipping would come to an end. Let alone who knows how many because emergencies would be a death sentence, but we saved 38k.
Dr. Fonzie says no more ladders either, there are 300 deaths and 164k injuries from those damn things, outlaw them now, heyyyyy.
Dr. Fonzie wants all swimming pools eliminated because we could save over 3500 deaths, another 332+ from boating so get rid of the no good pools and boats too.
Dr. Fonzie says 32 people die every year from over exertion during sex and should be made a capital offense if caught engaging in such activity.
Dr. Fonzie says there's 19,500 deaths from falling each year and everybody needs to just sit in their living room and shrivel up. He says its all for the children.
Let me just shorten this all up in one sentence, Why bother to eat, you're just going to shit"
Dr. Fonzie says there's 19,500 deaths from falling each year and everybody needs to just sit in their living room and shrivel up. He says its all for the children.
Let me just shorten this all up in one sentence, Why bother to eat, you're just going to shit"

I fall twice a week due to liquor, ban that and I will have an issue with the all powerful Dr.......... :D

Oh, and I don't shit, unless I fail to test the leading edge fart. :oops:

I poop. As a matter of fact, I feel the rumblings of a MASSIVE coming on about now..... BRB.......
I fall twice a week due to liquor, ban that and I will have an issue with the all powerful Dr.......... :D

Oh, and I don't shit, unless I fail to test the leading edge fart. :oops:

I poop. As a matter of fact, I feel the rumblings of a MASSIVE coming on about now..... BRB.......

All you old fucks tell me you haven't been here here at least ONE time in your life...........And it DOES feel like SLOMO..........

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I fall twice a week due to liquor, ban that and I will have an issue with the all powerful Dr.......... :D

Oh, and I don't shit, unless I fail to test the leading edge fart. :oops:

I poop. As a matter of fact, I feel the rumblings of a MASSIVE coming on about now..... BRB.......

There'd be Civil War 2 if they tried to go prohibition again.
So, did everything workout OK? Yeah, when ya hear the rumbling you know its going to be bad. :LOL:
TTG at his first important job interview. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::poop::poop:
