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*****STOLEN***** truck/trailer/car


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Inquiring minds would like to know this scumbags name and if in any way he is into Buicks and who his associates are.

Seems like he knew what he was looking for and probably attended the GSCA Nationals. Sounds like an inside job by someone in the Buick community to me.

Hope we can rule that out !
Great idea on opening a PayPal account. Your Buick brothers want to be of help Billy.


Since this is already out on Yellowbullet--------->

In conjunction with my department and the Michigan State Police. My car and trailer have been recovered. Truck is still missing.

No further details will be given out due to the ongoing investigation.

Billy T.

Michigan?? Hmm.

Get us more details when you can.


don't let pride stand in your way. Open a paypal account for all of us that can chip in and help. Even if it is $10, it can all help you. It is our buick community that can pull together and not feel that we need to - but want to. You are not taking from fellow racers, but friends !

Let us know how we can help you with this.



Don't let pride stand in your way. Open a Paypal account for all of us that can chip in and help. Even if it is $10, it can all help you. It is our Buick community that can pull together and not feel that we need to - but want to. You are not taking from fellow racers, but friends !

Let us know how we can help you with this.


I do not take money from friends nor from the auto enthusist/racing community.

Billy T.
Inquiring minds would like to know this scumbags name and if in any way he is into Buicks and who his associates are.

Seems like he knew what he was looking for and probably attended the GSCA Nationals. Sounds like an inside job by someone in the Buick community to me.

Hope we can rule that out !

Yes... It was probably Richard, huh

Stop the games !

It is tragic that Billy had to go through this. None of us need to hear this type of antic starting here.

We do need to focus on how this scumbag operated and what drove them to our community. I am willing to bet, they are plain thieves that saw that an event was occurring in their local area and where the car was found was part of a national ring.

You would not be taking money from racers... We would like to give money to you, it would help many of us share your painful experience. We are all glad that this did not happen to us and are thankful that your car was found. I understand if you flat out will not accept any help, but there are many of us that would feel better ourselves by being able to do so.

Hip Hip Hooray to your car being found !

You would not be taking money from racers... We would like to give money to you, it would help many of us share your painful experience. We are all glad that this did not happen to us and are thankful that your car was found. I understand if you flat out will not accept any help, but there are many of us that would feel better ourselves by being able to do so.

Hip Hip Hooray to your car being found !


Take the money that you want to give me and go buy yourselves a GPS tracking device. Get ahold on Don Cruz on here, he's very knowledgable on this subject.

I'm just thankful the car is in one piece. The help was you guys keeping an eye out for my stuff because I would be doing the same if it was your car.

Billy T.
Take the money that you want to give me and go buy yourselves a GPS tracking device. Get ahold on Don Cruz on here, he's very knowledgable on this subject.

I'm just thankful the car is in one piece. The help was you guys keeping an eye out for my stuff because I would be doing the same if it was your car.

Billy T.

Thumbsup to this. Glad the car was recovered
Thanks to everyone who assisted me finding my vehicle(s). Yes, the reward got me the info.

At this time, one actor is in custody. I can't go into detail because the investigation is still going on.

For those that wanted to contribute to the reward, I do not want anything. I can not take money from a fellow racer or Buick owner.

Billy T.

My $100 stands,I sell things on here and get alot of good info from fellow enthusiasts.Sometimes you have to give a little back

Hey guys, I just talked to Billy and he is very grateful for all the generous offers you guys have made... He wanted me to let you know that he has the matter under control and no more funds are needed! Got to admire guys like him, he is a good guy and we are lucky to have him in our community...

Again, thanks for all the offers! We have a great group of guys here, very close!

You are one LUCKY man! Once I heard of the thefts I was glad that the A/C compressor pulley seized up 150 miles from home and I wasn't able to make BG. Although....I am still in awe that the car and trailer were found in one piece.

Be sure to take pics of the car and trailer just because seeing is believing!!!