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*****STOLEN***** truck/trailer/car


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Sorry to hear about your loss guys ! Hope you had them insured really well. I went and picked up a car for a friend in N.C. a while back and stopped at a Cracker Barrel to eat only to come out and find my four car straps and pins out of my ramps were stolen. I know it does not compare to losing what you guys lost but still sucks. Goodluck finding the cars. I use to never like carrying a gun but now it seems crazy not too have one.
This is horrible news... We are keeping an eye out for any "new" GN's around town. Count VA and FL in on the hunt. I just posted this on our club forums and company pages. Best of luck, where were the police???? Special events bring the best and worst to town :(
very sad news. my heart goes out to you. I hope they catch the bastards.
next year I'll be there with a dual hauler. I will definitely be sleeping in the tow vehicle.
I"m posting this for William Avilla who cannot post on this board for some reason. He's a member of OKBuicks and a good guy.

"ok now do me a If you go to turbo buicks tell those guys to post a add in every major city on craigslist for the buicks. I guarantee they will find at least one of the cars. Also keep there eyes out on there for stuff parts and what not. You must think like a crook to catch a crook. They will try to sell the parts on craigslist so tell them to post pictures. If they want me do do it I will but I will need pictures of all cars rigs and trailors aswell as phone numbers to reach them. I found a stolen car for a guy in another state and it took less than 2 hours to find it. For some reason it will not let me reply to any of the posts. If they need help have them call me at 405-361-5362 also have them post it all over facebook and twitter."

It worked for him before so it may be worth the effort.
I"m posting this for William Avilla who cannot post on this board for some reason. He's a member of OKBuicks and a good guy.

"ok now do me a If you go to turbo buicks tell those guys to post a add in every major city on craigslist for the buicks. I guarantee they will find at least one of the cars. Also keep there eyes out on there for stuff parts and what not. You must think like a crook to catch a crook. They will try to sell the parts on craigslist so tell them to post pictures. If they want me do do it I will but I will need pictures of all cars rigs and trailors aswell as phone numbers to reach them. I found a stolen car for a guy in another state and it took less than 2 hours to find it. For some reason it will not let me reply to any of the posts. If they need help have them call me at 405-361-5362 also have them post it all over facebook and twitter."
It worked for him before so it may be worth the effort. will search nationwide for craigslist ads.
Just NOW saw a goosneck triple trailer heading WEST on Ohio Turnpike toward Rt250 (norwalk) interchange behind a gray or silver Dodge dually.

It had a GN racecar on the tail. Two other latemodels ahead of it.
Just NOW saw a goosneck triple trailer heading WEST on Ohio Turnpike toward Rt250 (norwalk) interchange behind a gray or silver Dodge dually.

It had a GN racecar on the tail. Two other latemodels ahead of it.

I hope you called LE before coming to this thread and typing that.
I wasn't on th TP. Just looking off the back porch.

Called Fremont post of OSHP. They're gonna at least get pulled over and questioned. Cuz they're rolling into it.

had been unable to update that cuzza the blow up here wouldn't let me load the page.
As of 2pm all highway patrol west of my location, especially turnpike division were on the lookout for that rig. Possible stolen, multi-car vehicle with description.

That doesn't mean that Sheriff's didn't get the call for off-TP possiblilities, or that they hadn't already pulled it over.

Just that they weren't going to tell Me anything else. Like if they'd told all tollbooth operators to watch for it also.

For anybody unfamiliar with Ohio's turnpike, you gotta go thru the booth and pay to get off.

All turnpike interchanges have camera's on them. Unfortunately, they aren't shared with the public, so we can't join the search.
It would be NICE, if someone would confirm/deny the "3 car phantom", and details about what it was hauling..DAMN!
All turnpike interchanges have camera's on them. Unfortunately, they aren't shared with the public, so we can't join the search.
they are not recored. they are there to observe traffic congestion and current accident locations.
We left BG around 2:45 AM headed north on 65. We saw nothing the whole way home to Milwaukee and then on to the Twin Cities. I posted this on CL and my FB page. This sucks, you can tell the kind of hard work you all put into these cars, we enjoyed watching you all run and talking to some of you around the track. Sad to hear about this after all the fun we had.
hoping for the best ! God help them if I saw them down here, I know a TON of the law here and would be all over their tail until they got to me.