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suggestions needed on Rules for the Buick South Nationals.


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Keep the reply's coming guys. :)

We should be able to lock in rules, and have a flyer within the next two weeks.

Again, the idea behind this post, is to get idea's, to structure the rules around what the competitors think is fair for THEIR race.

Originally posted by JCotton
All Classes will be heads up. (pro-tree or standard, still TBD)

I want your idea's, opinions, suggestions, so we can make this race fun for everyone.

Thanks for reading and post away!!


Are these heads up classes,I know, blonde ?, just thought they were all bracket classes, want to make sure , if so I would not want to race a sub 8.50 car............. :cool:
If it's heads up, definitely a pro tree......

Jack the stage class (bracket race) is not a heads up class.

WHO CARES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chill out. This is an information gathering post, not the final say. So back up and say your peace and leave it at that. Your opinion has been dually noted. Nobody here is yelling but you.

sorry i was not yelling i dont type very good , i didnt know caps ment i was yelling. i did have a friend call and tell me what all caps ment. again sorry. thanks
Originally posted by jdsgnx
sorry i was not yelling i dont type very good , i didnt know caps ment i was yelling. i did have a friend call and tell me what all caps ment. again sorry. thanks

Are you related to Red Regal T by any chance.....j/k red

We here you jdsgnx , as soon as we get some more input we will post the rule for each class.

Jesse :cool:
Street class I agree with J cotton earlier post. Keep it simple. It's all most of us can do to make it there much less worry about what we have to change on our cars to fit a class. Dot approved tires.full interior, min. weight. for sure.The only one that makes me scratch my head is 93 oct. yet alchy.water and propane injection kits are ok.....And these serve as a oct. boost anyways. .And would not seem normal in daily driver class.
Originally posted by Daytona
Street class I agree with J cotton earlier post. Keep it simple. It's all most of us can do to make it there much less worry about what we have to change on our cars to fit a class. Dot approved tires.full interior, min. weight. for sure.The only one that makes me scratch my head is 93 oct. yet alchy.water and propane injection kits are ok.....And these serve as a oct. boost anyways. .And would not seem normal in daily driver class.

How many Buicks have an AI/Propane/NOS system on board? To run higher boost on low octane gas.

These are daily drivers.. and becuase they have an alky kit doesnt make them daily drivers :confused:

There are also guys spending huge $$$ on IC, turbos, heads, cam, etc.. to be able and make numbers on 93.. since this is whats available at an average/regular gas station.

You dont need an alcohol kit to compete.. but to be competitive, I would say the car should run high 11's - low-mid 12's which can be done on 93 octane gas by itself. Given the rite combo. Even faster actually.. lets see creativity on cars that dont run leaded gas. Hence the class. I can drive my car from Tampa to Daytona, air down the tires, and make the number without any other changes. See the pattern :)

I dont want to not encourage anyone from participating, but just as TSM has its fast cars, and you have the outlaw classes.. etc.. this was made to see what can be done with available 93. As my car is driven 100-200 miles a week with,(when running :rolleyes: )
no jesse i am not related to john but do know him.
thanks for the reply.
Suggestion for classes at Bradenton

In the interest of keeping things simple and fun, how about three classes... class 1 = 10.99 and faster.. class 2= 11.00 to 12.99 and class 3 = 13.00 and slower.. no more worries about street tires or slicks, how big of a turbo, just good old fashion bracket racing, driver picks a dial in and everyone races. At the end winners from each class run for a over all meet champ. The fastest car or the biggest walet doesn't always win... guy on slicks..on guy on street radials..wonder who has the advantage ..

Let the TSM go at making the fastest times. Let the 93 class go after the fastest times.

I have no problem with a bracket class to lump everybody else into. What does it matter if a car runs 10.50 and the other 14.20 if your running brackets. Why the different classes. Its not like there are a lot of cars.

I wanna race someone HEADS FRIGGEN UP. Not race someone hitting the brakes.

Ahhh.... brackets SUX ;)

Bring your car and run it to the simple class 93 octane(10 gallons), 3500 lbs with driver minimum, radial tire.. Like the car is driven to work, or on the highway.. run as driven class..who's the fastest.

Still no body has answered the simple question....

"Who is the fastest on pump gas".. Or even resembles fast on pump gas...

Is it such a mystery.. lets find out ;) Cut a nice light, hook, put the number up.

Back under my rock. ;)
I just wanna race. I dont care when, where or for what. I wanna hit the track and have some fun. Its been over a year since i raced my car, its time to get it going again. I say make the rules and lets go.

heads up racing is great for the guy that has the most money. But if you stop and think back to the late 60's and early 70's, drag racing for the average guy ( like me back then and now) was just about dead... Then bracket racing came into the picture and all of a sudden it was me racing you, not my walet racing your walet. All of a sudden for a lot of guys Daddy's money was not winning races every week any more. As far as a guy with street tires racing guys with slicks... its all in the " dial in" and how good you can cut a light... I'll get off my soap box for now.. LOL. Hope to see everyone at Bradenton and having a good time, Don
I don't care what happens in the slicks class. And I think there should be a slicks class for the guys that won't fit in to any of the other classes.

But the 93 octane / daily driver class should be just that.

You drive your car the same way at the track as you do the other six days of the week. DR's are fine, but not slicks. If I see you at a stop light on your way to work or the grocery store, you are going to run the same way as you are at the track.

That means, when I get to the track, I don't change tires, I don't turn the boost up or the alchy up or dump pipe or nothing. REAL STREET TRIM.

If you have a stage 2 block, aluminum heads, 70 series turbo, 3800 stall, fiberglass hood, and you run 93 octane, and you beat me by 1 and 1/2 seconds; Then good for you. If you really drive that car to work every day, then I admire that.

But regarding the money thing, I do agree with that thinking, but I don't think it pertains here. I think that if someone has a lot of money, and they have all the mods they can get, I don't think their GN/TR/TTA is going to be their daily driver.

I used to run the south florida club, and I still keep involved with it. I know the guys and their times. Anyone with big bucks in their car doesn't use it as a daily driver. Anyone with a daily driver usually doesn't have the big bucks to buy every mod that is out there.

The guys I know that run mid 10's / low 11's don't drive their GN/TR every day.

The guys I know that run mid 11's and slower (even high 13's) do.
jsta6 well said.

I'm guilty of not driving my car everyday. I'd be afraid too :), and probably wouldnt have a license if I did. For me I enjoy taking the tops of and cruising on the weekends, and driving it at arounds..stomping it here and there. Just get too nervous leaving it parked just anywhere. I know its just a car, but times are those.

I dont change my boost, I dont change my chip, have an electric cutout for the dump, and the only change for me is tire pressure at the track. You get me on the highway driving around..thats what you get when I'm at the track. zero difference.

I want to see some cars that run and drive like mine competing. There are plenty of local cars, I cant but wonder how many more are like it. Was hoping an event like this would bring them out of hiding so they could lay down some great times.

Unless i'm wrong, either we're talking mid 11's as the threshold or ??? I cant find anyone posting times other than on race gas.

If there are only three cars that are going to participate?? or 30??

I just see more of what it cant have than I wanna race attitude. My first post was.. simple 3500 lbs, 93 octane, 109 block. I didnt care about anything else. load bricks in the trunk of the 3200 lb car. If the issue comes up of someone exploiting the class, the we can make adjustments.

Would be nice to get a great showing of real street cars.. I dont want must have ac, power windows, etc.. make the weight, show your power, take pride in doing something a little different.

If the car cant cook on 93, run brackets.. just dont bring the whole attempt of seeing a fast car on 93 down to appease a 14.50 car. Thats why brackets were made, to put everyone that doesnt fit into that class into one they can compete in.

And 93 aint bout money, if it was, they'd be burning 8 dollar a gallon stuff.
well said razor, how about some people post that are going to be there and racing, and i would like to see a bracket format for the rest of us that want to race, let the V8's and all other turbo cars have some fun,so who all out there wants to race and have some friendly competition.lets here from you.thanks
We should make a list of who is doing what. Im racing anywhere they will let me. Mostly the 93 oct, but brackets if them have them, too.
