Support Me In The MS150!


T6P.Com/ Administrator/Webmaster
Staff member
May 27, 2001
I'm going to try to get an earlier start this year than last year.


I'm going to be participating in the MS 150 cycling event for raising awareness and funds for multiple sclerosis on Sept 9th and 10th of this year. I plan to cycle the event this year instead of doing it on inline skates and my mileage goal is 100 miles the first day and 75 miles the second day.

My fund raising goal for last year was $500.00 and I didnt quite make it. This year I'm aiming a little higher, I'd like to make it to $1000.00. If you guys want to make a donation to me, here is a link to my donations page.

National MS Society - MS150:

Last year my fund raising was done pretty much at T6P.Com and some of the guys there really stepped up to support my efforts. Since T6P and TB.Com are under the same banner now, I thought I would post here and see if any of you guys would be willing to make a donation to support my effort.


Yea.. I may up it and do the double century, 100 both days. Just have to see what kind of shape Im in when the ride happens. I could do a double right now but depending on how much I get to ride in the next couple of months, I may need some time to get my conditioning back when cycling season cranks back up.

Thanks again!
You are a monster dude!

This is a great charity and Jay puts alot of work into it. Please lets help support him and have put up a good number!
I just got involved for Jay. WHO'S NEXT? Come on guys lets show them what we are about when we get together!
I just got involved for Jay. WHO'S NEXT? Come on guys lets show them what we are about when we get together!

nice donation........ I will be in for $25 when i get to my home computer....

Mike is the man..........
Happy new yr ..
Dennis :smile:
Thanks, Mike!

I will be riding with the Selma Cyclepath team. They have been the top money raising team for the eastern MS chapter for the last 2 years in a row. The Cyclepaths last year raised over $100,000 for MS.

If I can reach my goal of $1000.00, I'm going to commit to the double century, which is gonna take a lot of training to pull off. The most I've ridden across 2 days before is about 120 miles so it would be adding 80 more miles into the mix.

Thanks, guys!
Okay, put me down for $25.00 also.

But here's the criteria...

You must either finish the full 200 miles or have your picture taken at the end of whatever distance you complete. Said picture must include them prying that thin, uncomfortable, hard bicycle seat from your butt. And said picture must be posted. :biggrin:

(Good luck for a good cause.)
I actually have a pretty comfortable seat on both on my bikes so the seat isnt gonna be an issue. So sure, okay :)

Here's the seat I have on both of my road bikes.


BTW, you can make donation at the link above via credit card. I'm pretty sure it's all tax deductable as well.
I bought a cheapie bike that came with the thinest, hardest seat made. I believe it was cast out of concrete, after which they put it through a hardening process. Any male who sat on it immediately lost the ability to have children.

A wide comfortable seat was $22.00 at Walmart, so cheap bastard that I am, I went to Goodwill and for $5.00 the lady allowed me to exchange my crappy seat for the nice wide seat that was on one of the stationary exercise bikes.

So now my fat ass doesn't hang over each side. :)
LOL.. well, you're supposed to sit kind of far back on bike seats and be supported by two small tail bones. If you ride that way, you will pretty much be pain free as long as the rest of the bike fit is right. Fit makes SUCH a difference in cycling. Anyone who is serious about cycling should spend the money to get professionally fit to their bike and then take measurements so they can duplicate the fit later with different bikes. It will save your ass, your knees, etc in the long run.
Come on, guys.. its for charity :)

Dont make me make this a sticky :)
I heard through a top secret source that Jay would be in training for the big event so I had my spy take this picture of Jay......


  • Jay.jpg
    70 KB · Views: 239
LOL.. Ill be doing a 50 mile ride on that thing this weekend.. I've already started resting up!
After giving it some thought, Ive decided that if I can get $800 in donations, Im going to kick in the extra $200.00 myself to get to $1000.00 if need be. Come on, guys.. help me out! It's for a good cause.
WOw tuff crowd here,high rollers all around and not stepping up for a good cause...
Maybe making it a Sticky is not a good idea,this is my 3rd sticky visit in 8yrs...I never read whats up in the top section:wink:
WOw tuff crowd here,high rollers all around and not stepping up for a good cause...
Maybe making it a Sticky is not a good idea,this is my 3rd sticky visit in 8yrs...I never read whats up in the top section:wink:

come on guys..... pony up some $, even if it's only $5.oo. I have known people with MS, it is very hard on everyone.