Support Me In The MS150!

Looks like Jay is doing the double century since he is up to $1150.

Good luck Jay.
Yep.. thats the plan. Long as I can find a tandem to get in behind on day 2, I should be all good.

Im going to cap my fund raising goal at $1500.00. I think thats a pretty decent number for my first year doing this ride.
Glad to help Jay.


Thanks so much, everyone!

I really appreciate all the people stepping up with their contributions. The MS Society does a great job with these rides and its nice to see so many people helping out the cause!
MS bike ride.

That's a good cause your riding for. What kind of road bike you using for this double Century.. From now until Sept. you ought to get in some decent shape. You'll be able to knock it out. Can you do a Century in under 5hours?It's been years..but praise God I had the opportunity to ride across the US on a mtn. bike. Had intentions to do a double crossing. Started off in Cannon Beach, Oregon to Rehoboth Beach, Del..

Went down the outer banks(outerbanks are cool, Wright brothers,Kitty Hawk) to Bamberg,SC. Had Crossed the Cheasepeak Bay Tunnel Bridge what a marvel on the way down to SC. Then on the way back left from Myrtle Beach, SC to the other coast. My best friend and later best man rode back with me from SC. We came thru our home town Albuquerque NM on old route 66. Was burnt mentally so I WIMPED out I stayed, I was in the best shape of my life. On the average we did 100 miles a day rested and fellowshiped on Sundays. Wanted to go on to Long Beach ,Calf. then back to Tingley beach in ABQ. NM.but like I mentioned I wimped out! Longest day was 180 miles From inside Tenn. to Springfield Missouri. Was training 300 miles a week. This was loaded self contained.

Biking was my passion and it's good to see you have a passion and a heart to saddle up for a good cause. You'll be able to push thru that 2nd 100 just have some saddle time under you! Afyer all this long winded crap I did go to the site and support your efforts.
I could probably do a century in under 5 hours with a pack, doubtful I could do it solo that fast.

Where this particular ride is held is extremely flat, tho.. like pancake flat so there isnt a lot of climbing. On the downside of that, tho, there is no descents either. If I can find a tandem to get behind, 5 hours should be a breeze. Most of my group rides now are averaging 19-21 and Im routinely doing 50 mile rides pretty easily. I feel 99.9% sure I could go out tomorrow and ride a century if I had to. I didnt take the winter off, Ive been steadily riding and am already over 1000 miles for the year.

Not sure what I'll ride yet.. it will be one of these two bikes.



Ive been riding the Blue mostly lately.

Again, thanks to everyone who's donated. The club I ride with really gets behind this cause. Last year we raised over $100,000. Our goal for this year is $120,000.
Okay guys.. Im trying to make one last fund raising push before the ride. Anyone else feel like donating to a worthy cause and helping me out?
Ride is in less than two weeks and my team has raised well over $30,000. Any last minute charitable contributors?

Help a brother out :)
Well, the MS ride has come and gone. I wanted to thank those of you that donated to my ride. Ill be starting fund raising for next year in January. Here's a shot of my team:


Im all the way in the back row, in the middle over on the left.

I rode 110 miles on Saturday,averaging just over 18MPH for the entire distance. I really suffered during that ride.. I cramped a lot and felt like crap from about mile 40 to mile 75. Fortunately I started feeling better after mile 75 and managed to finish strong. Ive done a lot of 75-80 mile rides so I wasnt really expecting this ride to be any big deal. I suspect I didnt fuel properly and paid for it midride. After the lunch stop and eating better at the last 3 stops, I felt more like my old self.

The weather did not cooperate on Sunday. It was raining and gusty winds when I woke up on Sunday and after checking in with my team, almost everyone had already packed up and gone home.

To date, my team, the Selma Cyclepaths has raised a total of $73,175.62 for MS. We are (right now anyway) the top fund raising team again (3rd year in a row) and hopefully will remain on top until fundraising closes. If anyone would like to make a last minute donation to help keep us on top, it would be greatly appreciated.