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Swap Meet/Car Shows


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Quick Chick

Feb 6, 2015
Is it me or am I the only one who thinks they are not at all what they use to be? I went to one today, went early just in case.... And basically it's a few parts, and then a whole lot of hats, knives, old toys and crap people are just looking to get out of the attic/garage. It's a let down... I expect not finding many Buick parts, but still, at least have it be a lot of stuff I can't use on my car then all the junk that has nothing to do with cars.
Yeah, I'm finding the same thing. People bring all the trash they have stored in their attics which have nothing to do with cars… :grumpy: there should be some kind of rules as to what you can bring to sell and what you cannot bring. I think it takes away from the "seriousness" of the car show and turns it more in some kind of flea market…:rolleyes: In the end, the people attending are more interested in the junk for sale than paying attention to the cars on display. :mad:

I hate when it's just vendors selling new Chinese junk, that has nothing to do with cars.
Yup. It seems as though swap meets have turned into Walmarts.:confused:
Honestly though, I would be happy just to see a Buick part.... Even if I had no use for it, lol. Living in a see of Chevy stuff here :bored:
its early in the season in our neck of woods. but in general it has been disappointing, even like the huge ones like carsile its the same guys same junk for years
My experience both going and selling things at swap meets is. 99 percent of the time if your not willing to sell your parts at 50 cents on the dollar or less of what there worth. Than most people going to swap meets aren't interested. The Internet has opened the door to reach a much larger prospective buyer. so more likely than not your going to sell your parts for more money. Again this is just my opinion and experience.
its early in the season in our neck of woods. but in general it has been disappointing, even like the huge ones like carsile its the same guys same junk for years

I know you are in the city but you should come down to the Island... Always good for laughs, lol
I think the internet has had a lot to do with the swap meets implosion. You can basically find any part you are looking for on the internet today and a lot of people put stuff up on it to sell rather then screwing around with hauling it to different locations and reach a much broader audience.
It's been years now since I've walked around to look at the vendor tables at car shows. Most of the local cruises and meets have the same old people, cars, vendors, and music. I enjoy the the day and it's conversation, relaxation and atmosphere. Plus, it gives me good reason to go for a ride. But there isn't much I see that sparks my interest.

I always take notice of the line-up when I'm pulling in. And if I notice a car or vendor I haven't seen before or something that's just a tad different, I make it a point to go over and see and admire his work. Or if it's a vendor, look at their product. I always search out the Buicks and get over to them at every show.

But, yes. Most times this doesn't happen.
I'd like to add that along with the demise of at least an occasional "good deal" that you used to be able to find, stupid tv shows and auctions (mecum, barrett, antiques road show, etc.) have altered people's expectations of what things cost or what they should cost.

I've seen cars, car parts, antiques, etc for sale at some crazy prices because that's what they allegedly "sell for" on the shows. Of course then there's all the other junk that people shill as well.

I went to a huge hot rod/good guys show a few years ago. Tons of cars and tons of vendors. Everything was more expensive than regular internet "retail" Even the "swap meet" stuff- sort of old or used items were asking stupid prices because "they were worth a lot of money" (according to the tv). They also had a bunch of hats, and shirts, signs, and trinkets as well.
Is it me or am I the only one who thinks they are not at all what they use to be? I went to one today, went early just in case.... And basically it's a few parts, and then a whole lot of hats, knives, old toys and crap people are just looking to get out of the attic/garage. It's a let down... I expect not finding many Buick parts, but still, at least have it be a lot of stuff I can't use on my car then all the junk that has nothing to do with cars.
Englishtown has a big swap meet this weekend!
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Englishtown has a big swap meet this weekend!

Yeah I am working Saturday, don't have time otherwise I would go and try and sell the rest of my parts.... I like to just see if I can grab anything for a good deal for my car. But just in general, it was nice to be able to go do a car show and see some decent parts. Not kiddie toys and clothing.
Used to love the swap meets from the late 80's and 90's , but as soon as Ebay came into play , it all went to the shitter . Everyone wants Ebay $$$$ at the swap meets , if you ask them to bend on price , they say they will just sell it on Ebay . But , with that said , a lot of good parts do come up on Ebay that you most likely wouldn't find at a swap meet .
People have no idea what a pain in the balls it is to sell at a swapmeet! !!! I know it could take me easily 8-12 hours just loading up my trailer and truck and deciding on what to bring. Then you get there and it's many hours of setting up stuff. Things get nicked ,broken, dented along the way. People are inconsiderate of your stuff and if they don't like the price they will just throw it on the ground. I've also had other vendors run over my stuff. Plus the rain, sleet and blistering sun. Then you get the guys telling you how they can get it much cheaper elsewhere. Then you get many hours of loading all your stuff up to bring it home. Once your home you get many hours of trying to figure out where it went before you left home. It's a wonder swapmeets are even still going at all. It's a lot of work for a lot unappreciative people. And I'm not even talkin about all the work that went into finding the stuff,hauling the stuff,taking apart the cars or getting rid of the junk. Etc... I've vended local swapmeets here in CT and in RI, and even Carlisle PA and maple grove PA.

It's not worth the trouble anymore to vend in my opinion