Ted's XFI Experience

Ted, I'm not busting anyone's balls and I guess we all need to draw stick people when dealing with you and Dave so you understand exactly what is being said.

The difference here....warning signs. Ken had no warning that his filter had failed until his motor locked up. You on the other hand chose to make a pass while ignoring several signs that something was not right. Understand the difference???? Had Ken heard a rod knock and ignored the issue and made a pass anyway, it would be his fault. I hope that's plain enough.

Dusty you are ignoring some warning signs too, hit the wall due to locking up like a little girl behind the wheel "bad driver warning sign". Repaired the car to hit the wall AGAIN! due to your "Red Neck Racing Back Yard Wrenching".:eek: :biggrin:
Looks like you have changed your tune too, Dave. When all this went down with Ted's car you were telling me what an idiot he was for not lifting and you said it wasn't my fault. Now it appears you and Ted are blaming me for his mishap.

Back when you used to race, I was always willing to help you and this is the thanks I get :rolleyes: Time to take me out of your signature

Cal, I do remember the conversation but you claimed Otto was the idiot because he loaded the wrong flash "The Odd Fire Flash" into Teds ecu. I also remember you saying Ted should take his blow up concerns to Cotton because he sold him the system.

So what caused the blow up Cal, The Flash or the ECU?
Cal, I do remember the conversation but you claimed Otto was the idiot because he loaded the wrong flash "The Odd Fire Flash" into Teds ecu. I also remember you saying Ted should take his blow up concerns to Cotton because he sold him the system.

So what caused the blow up Cal, The Flash or the ECU?

So if that is the case Dave,Why do you guys have a beef with Cal?
Dave, If your comments came from someone with an ounce of credibility I might listen. Funny, the guy that crossed in front of me called and thanked me for not plowing into his side. So much for your theories.

I got a kick out the redneck comment. I've never been called that by someone with the same IQ as my left nut.:eek:
I dismissed it as Cal trying to cover his a$$ as usual. Did you really load the wrong flash Otto? :confused:

I loaded the flash that was emailed to me.
I still have the email and the flash that is dated
thursday august 10th 2006.

This is what i installed
Dusty, you can call Dan at DLS and ask him the condition of the bearings in the motor that blew. There was no rod knock or knocking. The bearings appeared usable. Sounds like you may be getting a line of $hit from your sources like I have.

Not that you were there and witnessed it, but the car felt lazy. No popping, banging, just lazy. Obviously not something that anybody would have ever seen or experienced before. I guess Cals tuning/flashing policy may be if you break the beams the bag is in your hand. Maybe similar policy's from the engine department at Hartline might be why he got out of the engine building business and many never returned their piles of scrap. :confused:
I loaded the flash that was emailed to me.
I still have the email and the flash that is dated
thursday august 10th 2006.

This is what i installed

Hmm, so that is interesting. Maybe you were sent the wrong flash. Still doesn't explain why Cal didn't help get to the bottom of it, but also may explain why he didn't roll on his pal Lance. You know that would be bad for business.
I may get busted up for posting this (though since I don't know any of these people, here goes), but seriously guys, stop acting like 13yr old girls with the name calling and back-and-forth. I'm reading this thread because I'm interested in making sure I use a good oil filter, not to find out who's to blame for some guy's motor blowing from a bad flash or rod knock or whatever, or to find out how stupid or not someone else is for hitting the wall in a drag race. I know I'm not a mod, or even a guy with a lot of posts, or even a fast car... but seriously, don;t you guys have something better to do??? Can't we (like the mods have mentioned a few times) just leave this thread to a discussion about oil filter failure?? I mean SERIOUSLY. I just spend last weekend babysitting for my 12 and 14 year old neices and the similarities between their arguments (over boys and clothes) and this one are striking.

If this issue is really that pressing and important to you, can't you start a thread in a more appropriate forum, or take care of it over the phone or PM's or something?

Maybe I'm expecting too much.... i'll just shutup now and prepare for people to tell me to keep my nose out of business that doesn;t concern me (even though I'm not the one airing my arguments in a public forum).

and to whoever it was that lost the motor from a blown oil filter: that sucks, I had one burst in my old 67 Skylark GS (455, 430 heads, sp1 intake, etc) which caused me to puke out a buncha oil while doing 70 on the interstate... I think it was a Fram too. the worst part is I was driving my car from florida to north Dakota where i was moving, so i had to pay damn near 1000 bucks to get it towed the rest of the way across minnesota! Hope you get your motor sorted out and back on the track soon! Best of luck
Dusty, you can call Dan at DLS and ask him the condition of the bearings in the motor that blew. There was no rod knock or knocking. The bearings appeared usable. Sounds like you may be getting a line of $hit from your sources like I have.

Not that you were there and witnessed it, but the car felt lazy. No popping, banging, just lazy. Obviously not something that anybody would have ever seen or experienced before. I guess Cals tuning/flashing policy may be if you break the beams the bag is in your hand. Maybe similar policy's from the engine department at Hartline might be why he got out of the engine building business and many never returned their piles of scrap. :confused:

Again Ted. I never said you had rod knock. This goes back to Dave's post comparing your situation to Ken's. Ken had no warning that his filter failed until his motor got tight after a pass. That was just an example of what might happen with oiling problems in Ken's situation. The filter came apart and the car maintained oil pressure but lost filtration. Your situation and Ken's are completely different from what I hear. I speak with Ken almost daily so I'm well aware of his situation.

I did hear your car had trouble doing a burnout and a few other issues. Rather it was true or not I don't know. It's time to move on and quit beating the horse. Ken's fixing his motor rather than crying on the internet every chance he gets.

What's going to happen when an injector goes bad, cry at Siemens? MAP sensor fails? etc etc. We take a chance every time we mat the throttle. Move on man
I can't believe what I just read! You expect Fram to replace a motor due to a defective part yet it's OK for Cal & FAST to do nothing when they blew Teds motor.:rolleyes:

What's next Dusty? Ken should have lifted because he had an oil pressure guage.:rolleyes:
hey guys at a 159 its hard to look down at the oil pressure its not a big deal its fixed and back together ...................
i total agree 100%.
Cal, I lifted the head at Columbus because I ran too much boost. Will you buy me some new gaskets? I know it's a race car but I figure you should replace anything I break... :D

I am being sarcastic, If you didn't know.. It's racing, things break. When they do, you just have to accept it and move on and chaulk it up as a learning experience. Just like the Fram stuff, I wouldn't put a Fram filter on my lawnmower.. Just something I learned from past mistakes.
If I recall correctly he told you to go to F.A.S.T with the ecu after it happened.
I know you did go but it was months later after it happened.
How was he/them supposed to start getting to the bottom of anything or even start helping you out if you didnt do ask asked at the earlier time?

They did warranty the ECU even though it was out of the warranty period didnt they?

Memory going bad?
This thread is going to get locked if I have to look at it again tonight!
Insults and name calling have no place in this forum.
I am sorry that Ken hurt his motor and this is what this thread is about.
I am also sorry that Ted's motor failed.
I am sorry that Cal's name is constantly blamed for everything including no WMDs, global warming and kittens going blind.

What makes me sad is that a couple of unfortunate deals have splintered our already small and fading group of racers
I remember when it was us against the world.
Buick Brothers helping each other be faster than the rest.
Things have changed for the worse.

Ted if you are unhappy with Cal there is a feedback forum for you to type away to your hearts content.
Dave you are entitled to your opinion as well, express it else where.
Cal you have the right to rebut these accusations.
Otto and Dusty please don't respond to this thread anymore.

What I am not going to put up with is people destroying a thread with personal agendas and attacks.

Let's put this in perspective, last week I found out that my son needs surgery and will have to go under general, my friend's dad is dying of cancer and the IRS thinks I owe them more money than I can afford to pay them.
How was your week???
When i pull my purepower off i will take some pictures of it and you can see if you like them or not. The filter is tested to 1000 psi and some models have no bypass like mine. But I'm still concerned about the microfine particles that it can;t filter out.

At least I'm on topic here.......:rolleyes: John you can always immigrate to Canada to hide from the IRS..