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Tesla semi truck goes 0-60 mph in 5 seconds without a trailer.


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Automation causes the loss of skills & employment opportunity.
AI will destroy many working class people. All the regular jobs that don't need a doctorate and even some of them will be all replaced by a machines that don't care about vacations, lunch or heath insurance. Glad I'm old and won't be around when the shit hits the fan.
No kidding. Today's young people are doomed.

Young kids don't want to even get their drivers license now. Never leave home. Need something call Uber. It's sad they don't understand what they are missing. I got my license @ 14 in Florida. I thought I was king shit :p Oh well guess I am just showing my old age!
Electric cars....pfft.

Nothing has changed in 140years except for the explosive lithium batteries that are still no match for gas or deisel power.

Gain nothing at all. Except instant torq at 0 rpms which has done great in trains....but those dont use batteries
Aside from the inefficiency of charging & attempting to store electricity (gas & diesel are still far more efficient) autonomous trucks & other vehicles is a very bad idea.

There is a reason for a trained human operator.

Rafs-T-Type rates this post as "Dumb". :p :LOL:
I'm going to hate the self driving cars clogging up the roads driving the exact speed limit. Everyone around here goes at least 5 over everywhere. It will be like having a bunch of blue hairs going to church every day.
Oh ya, the highway is just a racetrack. I meant the typical 30 mph zone.
I'm going to hate the self driving cars clogging up the roads driving the exact speed limit. Everyone around here goes at least 5 over everywhere. It will be like having a bunch of blue hairs going to church every day.
How do you know the self driving cars will drive exactly the speed limit?
Aside from the inefficiency of charging & attempting to store electricity (gas & diesel are still far more efficient) autonomous trucks & other vehicles is a very bad idea.

There is a reason for a trained human operator.

Please show me some real data that shows self driving vehicles to be less safe then human operated vehicles. You're just letting fear and old fashioned thinking override real world data. There's a reason why robots take over so many jobs. They do it faster with less mistakes....and limit risk of a person getting hurt. Don't get me wrong, all this automation has killer effects on the workforce, and I'm not even saying I'm for or against it, but saying that they are the less safe option is asinine. I world prefer self driving cars to the thousands of people I see fucking with their phones while driving 75 any day of the week.
Major security concern. What if they run via the Internet and then get hacked and made to crash or run over people in huge scale or small terror attacks?
Or default to non-op in front of an oncoming locomotive?

After several decades of monitoring a variety of automated systems, they all fail sooner or later. Doesn't matter what level of redundancy is built into the system.
A few stories right above you there.

Only a fool would think otherwise.
A few stories right above you there.

Only a fool would think otherwise.
LOL...I like how you cut off what I said. None of those articles talk about what is safer, automated driving or human driving. Of course there's going to be crashes, but just because they happen sometimes it doesn't mean it happens more often than the alternative. It's a logical fallacy. It's like saying smoking isn't bad for you. My grandma is 80 and smokes everyday and she's fine. You'd be a fool to think smoking is bad for you because my grandma right here is proof. But hey man I get it...When trains were invented people thought the speed would make womens uterus's would fall out. I'm not even joking - So don't worry about the scary ever changing world. You'll be ok. Now let me know when you actually find something that shows statistically humans are less prone to accidents than self driving cars. Or you know, just keep hurling your 3rd grade insults around. Whatever floats your boat.