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RIP Charlie!
Sep 20, 2007
I may get spanked for this by admin and since I'm a mod I shouldn't do this, but it's time to make some sort of statement to the government. This is a petition to allow Texas to secede from the union. Please use your voice and sign to send a message that it's government for the people, of the people, and by the people! NOT government for the politicians and big business! Please don't state anything other than you've signed or that you disagree. This isn't the right place for this but it only concerns Texans.;) If this gets out of hand I will either close it or delete it, and I don't want to do either.
charlief1 said:
I may get spanked for this by admin and since I'm a mod I shouldn't do this, but it's time to make some sort of statement to the government. This is a petition to allow Texas to secede from the union. Please use your voice and sign to send a message that it's government for the people, of the people, and by the people! NOT government for the politicians and big business! Please don't state anything other than you've signed or that you disagree. This isn't the right place for this but it only concerns Texans.;) If this gets out of hand I will either close it or delete it, and I don't want to do either.

Hopefully Indiana and Arizona will join ya!!
Keep it up Texas!
According to the terms of participation on, the website for the executive branch of the United States will make any petition searchable if it can collect 150 signatures within one months’ time, and collecting 25,000 signatures will necessitate an official response. So far Texas seems to be in the running to be the first state to receive a response from the commander-in-chief, with 21,777 signees asking for secession since their petition went live on November 9, barely 48 hours after US President Barack Obama claimed a victory in his bid for re-election.
Keep it up Texas!
According to the terms of participation on, the website for the executive branch of the United States will make any petition searchable if it can collect 150 signatures within one months’ time, and collecting 25,000 signatures will necessitate an official response. So far Texas seems to be in the running to be the first state to receive a response from the commander-in-chief, with 21,777 signees asking for secession since their petition went live on November 9, barely 48 hours after US President Barack Obama claimed a victory in his bid for re-election.

While they may respond, they don't respond seriously. You get a short BS answer. It will probably be something like, "We understand your concerns and are working hard to make the country a better place that we can all enjoy. Thanks for your time."
Sorry to see this country turning in to Takers and not Makers anymore. I think it was Thomas Jefferson that said “if the country falls it will be from within"
I just moved to the San Antonio area after living my whole life in Hell-hole Oregon. Judging by the attitudes here in south TX of the general population two things come to mind. 1) Texas will never be a blue state 2) Secession is a very real possibility and comes up in normal conversation almost every day. The people of Texas really don't care if the Feds give them permission to leave. "Come and take it" regarding the cannon and the Mexican Army comes to mind. We have the will of a large number of people, huge energy resources, and means to defend "The Repubic of Texas".
Funny thing is some of states doing these petitions receive more money from the feds than they pay in.

I may get spanked for this by admin and since I'm a mod I shouldn't do this, but it's time to make some sort of statement to the government. This is a petition to allow Texas to secede from the union. Please use your voice and sign to send a message that it's government for the people, of the people, and by the people! NOT government for the politicians and big business! Please don't state anything other than you've signed or that you disagree. This isn't the right place for this but it only concerns Texans.;) If this gets out of hand I will either close it or delete it, and I don't want to do either.
I'm dreaming about seceding from Calif since this last election. We are now the most heavily taxed state in the union & run by the most liberal left wing socialist nut jobs found anywhere. I hear the suburbs of Austin are nice place to live. I could use some real hope & change.